Before you ask the question, ‘How can I get ordained to become a pastor?’, you must first ask yourself why you want to be a pastor and consider why you want to join the ministry. In my years of experience, there have been many young men and women who have come to me looking for advice about how to become a pastor. My response has always stayed the same: you should become a pastor because you simply can’t not become one.
This response is based on my personal belief, which is founded in my years observing other prospective and accomplished pastors, that being a pastor requires a particular level of passion and drive for the position. Without this, you will never be able to stay more than a few years in the ministry.
If you are still reading and still interested, you might just be able to fulfill the requirements for becoming a pastor. There are four main steps to the process, but the steps are not rigidly ordered. Instead, they should serve as basic tenets that you will need to follow before you can truly be considered a pastor. Keep in mind, many organizations allow you to get ordained online for free through an application and review process that can take much less time than traditional methods. Universal Life Church requires applicants to complete an application, which is then reviewed by church staff. If you are approved, you receive your ordination via email the same day.

Step 1. Being Called by God. I can clearly recall the moment that I felt God calling me to become a pastor. It was at my graduation from a Christian high school, during another man’s sermon. While I can’t recall the exact sentiment that was spoken to me, I have the vivid memory of God’s voice stirring me to serve as one of his preachers, to spread his gospel and his words. It wasn’t until two years later that I was ready and able to accept that call and submit to God’s will, but I know in my heart that I am following the path he set out for me. If you have felt that impression from God, then you are already on your way to becoming a pastor. It can be impossible to succeed, especially during times of hardship and trials, when you don’t have that impression to sustain you. You may now be wondering how you can know if you have been called by God. Well, there are a few methods by which God may call you to pastoral work. The first is by the internal witness, which may come to you as the unavoidable feeling that God has chosen you as his pastor. This witness is marked by an overwhelming passion for pastoral work that you simply can’t ignore. The second type of internal witness may show itself as a personal zeal for the word of God. This witness is marked by a love for the scripture that transcends that of the average man, and that raises within you an irresistible urge to share and teach his word to others. A third internal factor is an expressed devotion to all of God’s people. Your must have a compassion towards and love for all people, including those who have been saved and those who have not. While it’s important to have a personal fervor for God’s word, and a strong desire to share it, you cannot be a pastor without being able to express an unbounded love for all.
There are also external forms of witness that might be able to help you determine the call of God in your life. The first form is in the witness of others. Your loved ones may suggest that you become a pastor or show a respect for your level of character. Members of your church, even your own pastor and other leaders, may express satisfaction with your level of devotion to the gospel. If you feel that you may be experiencing this, it might be helpful to talk to your pastor, as he can help you through the process of obtaining a pastor position . If you are married, a second external witness may come in the form of a spouse who readily supports and engages with you in your desire to become a pastor. A third type of external witness, which is often more difficult to ascertain, may come in the form of repeated events and circumstances that strengthen your desire to be a pastor. When you take a close look at your life, you will be able to determine whether or not you have experienced any of these forms of witness, and will be able to decide if a pastoral position is the right choice for you.
Step 2. Fulfilling Requirements to be a Pastor in Training. Typically, pastor training will require that you complete college and seminary. While I started pastoring directly after graduating from college, I would argue that seminary is an invaluable resource for the successful pastor. While I first pastored in a relatively successful ministry that didn’t offer a seminary program, I later completed seminary and continued pastoring. I would argue that seminary made me much more prepared and capable in my role as pastor.
Step 3. Being called to get ordained. If you work with Universal Life Church, you may be able to become a minister online for free, usually in a matter of days. Typically, you are required to complete an application that is reviewed by pastoral staff who then performs the necessary procedures.
The path to become a pastor can be a long and arduous one, but it is precisely the process itself that will determine whether or not the position is right for you. There are many young people who find that the process is simply not worth the gain, and they are typically those who have not been called to be a pastor. If you find that becoming a pastor simply isn’t the right course for your life, you should not feel ashamed or guilty. Indeed, there may be other means by which you can seek spiritual growth and enact God’s will for your life.