Every religion or denomination has their own requirements and procedures for one to become a minister. Unfortunately not everyone has the inclination, time or money to attend seminary or formal training. Individuals may have deeply held spiritual beliefs that don’t quite fit in with any particular sect. Such individuals may want to get ordained but are prevented from doing so. However through the Universal Life Church, anyone can become a minister quickly and easily with free online ordination.
The process is as simple as filling out a short free application. In order to have a legal ordination the candidate must use his complete real name. Initials and nicknames or spirit names are not valid for legal ordination.
It is advisable to first become familiar with the laws regarding ordination in the province, state or country where the candidate lives.
Completely fill out the application for free online ordination. It is useful to double-check the spelling of all information, including the email address used. Since the email address is used for verification it is important that only one person use a given email address to apply.
A Church staff member will review the application. The information on the ordination application is completely private, and will not be sold or revealed to anyone. There is no fee to become a minister. The process is free and confidential.
The prospective minister will receive an email confirming receipt and advising about the status of the application. This normally this takes 24 hours or less.
Once ordination is confirmed by email, the minister can now legally perform a wedding, baptism, or funeral.
Through free online ordination, the minister can perform a wedding and other ceremonies for friends and family members. They are able to officiate at ceremonies for other people as well. If desired normal fees for these rituals may be charged at the discretion of the individual minister. Since the Universal Life Church believes in universal religious freedom for all regardless of creed or faith, the decision as to whether to charge for services is entirely up to the individual.
There is no requirement to purchase anything, but the Universal Life Church does offer a selection of items to use when you perform a wedding, hold communion, or other rites. Ministerial clothing and paper items are also available. There is also online support and guidance for those who feel the need for assistance.
There is no spiritual test to become a minister. The only doctrine of the Universal Life Church is belief in the idea that people should “do only that which is right.” Beyond that, the individual is free to believe and practice their spiritual philosophy as they sees fit. Whether that means joining two friends in marriage or starting a new church, the decision is up to the individual.
Can a ordained minister perform an exorcism?