Have you ever sat in a wedding ceremony and asked yourself how you could perform a wedding? It is not as hard as you might think and is, in fact, well within reach for most of us. It is easy to get ordained online through the Universal Life Church and they even offer extensive educational resources on how to perform a wedding and other interesting topics.
After you get ordained online, you will need to check your state regulations to ensure that there are no further requirements. Some states require a letter of good standing or a special credential issued by your church. Certain churches have their own rules and it would be most prudent to check with the specific venue where the wedding ceremony will take place to ensure that things go smoothly. Always keep in mind that this is someone’s special day and you need to go the extra mile to make it perfect for them!
All well planned weddings begin with an in-person interview with the bride and groom. This is your opportunity to get to know them and develop a feel for their expectations. Some couples will be looking for guidance from you or even request you fulfill the duties of a wedding planner. Others will take a more firm stance and offer you direct guidance on your role. You should be confident enough to handle either approach but remember that this is a once in a lifetime event and you cannot afford to let them down. If you see a problem developing, it is your job to speak up. Keep in mind that you will be dealing with a multitude of cultures and customs. There is no single right way to perform a wedding so keep your mind open to new ideas.
The interview needs to cover the cast of characters. Are there musicians? How about photographers and videographers? Will there be a wedding planner? With the cast of characters laid out you should then move on to the order of service. This will vary considerably especially as cultural norms shift away from traditional ceremonies. Typically, the order of service covers seating arrangements, order of entry into the chamber, presentation of the bride, wedding vows, an exchange of rings and a kiss. The ceremony is concluded with a presentation of the couple and an announcement of the reception details. Music is a key component to most weddings so your order of service should include a list of the exact tunes and which activities they will accompany.
Once the order of service is ironed out it is imperative to conduct a full rehearsal. This usually takes place a day in advance of the live ceremony and should occur in the location where the ceremony will take place. In most cases it is impractical to replicate every aspect of the ceremony such as the flowers and musical performances. Still, it is important to go through as much rehearsal as you can. You would be surprised how different things can seem when you try them in a new location. You might even realize that certain aspects of your plan simply will not work in the actual location. This is your chance to make any last minute adjustments to the plan and avoid any embarrassing mistakes.
On the wedding day make sure to arrive at least an hour early and you should be impeccably dressed and groomed. When you perform a wedding ceremony, make sure to keep eye contact with the crowd and to speak clearly to your audience. A smooth and confident presentation can make a big difference and remember your performance is most likely being recorded for posterity. Practice at home in front of a mirror and record yourself to see how well you do.
Take my advice and take the time to become a wedding officiant. It is easy to do and you can start making a meaningful impact on peoples lives quickly. Many people partner with a friend or family member to get ordained online. Just remember to check and see if you require a letter of good standing or ordination credential. Think of how much fun you can have and the joy you can bring to peoples lives.