Organized religion is not solely about worshiping a deity but forming a community. Those who practice a faith share values with other members and are linked through their beliefs. This means that believers are united even if they are many miles apart. Catholics in particular have noted the importance of this connection. Universal and catholic are synonyms. The Catholic Church has followers everywhere, and they are a distinct group even when not in an actual church. This concept appealed to the Universal Life Church (ULC) with one exception. The ULC believes that all people can come together and be united. The ULC puts helping others and respect for all above a certain denomination.
The ULC seeks to be truly universal by being inclusive. All individuals are welcomed into the church. One’s religious preferences and personal background are not judged. Anyone can attend sessions at the church or even be ordained. Inviting all people to the church helps those of different faiths find common ground and focus on making the world better. There is no need to debate or convert others because everyone is respected and allowed to practice their faith freely.
It is easy for individuals to join together because there are no tenets that clash with any belief system. The only rule of the ULC is to “Do only that which is right”. Every person is capable of deciding what is right for themselves. The ULC gives members the chance to explore their views without inference from church authority or others. This is the only religious group to recognize that faith may be different for every person, and members can act accordingly. Everyone may have separate values, but they are still united in their quest to only do right.
It is difficult for some to attend places of worship for many reasons. If one is not satisfied with sermons or teachings, then it is easy to make a change. The ULC helps many be ordained. This lets anyone have a more active role in their faith and provides chances to assist others. Ordained ministers can baptize others, perform a wedding, host sessions and more. It is free to become a legally ordained minister. The ULC permits people of any religion to register.
Whether performing a wedding or talking to those of other faiths, The Universal Life Church is the only truly universal church. This is because everyone is welcomed and respected. Ministers and congregations work together to only bring good into the world. This makes everything they do connected and universal.