The event of an equinox has been celebrated generation through generation by various faiths; however, for Pagans and those who practice Wicca, the equinox has always held an especially important place in their hearts and religious practices. An equinox is a natural occurrence that takes place twice a year- March 20th and September 22nd, when the sun is at zenith over the Equator.
The Pagan and Wicca communities refer to the autumn equinox as Mabon. Mabon is the first day of fall, and is a time for harvest and reflection on one’s life; those who follow the Pagan and Wicca faiths have various ways of practicing their religion on this day. The typical practice for this holiday is a focus on the balance between the light and dark elements, as the autumn equinox itself is when there is an equal number of hours of day and night. Practitioners of these faiths also frequently utilize prayer and different variations of magic to celebrate Mabon.
Mabon’s history is very rich and splendid in its cultural meaning. This celebratory name for the autumn equinox is often said to have been taken from a powerful Welsh deity. This god, Mabon, was reputedly the child of the Divine Mother, and was taken from her when he was only three days old. Still others say that Mabon was one of King Arthur’s legendary champions. The name Mabon has a long history of being connected with the symbol of a Celtic Divine son, and as such, the name is fitting for an autumn equinox. The term “Mabon” was not used in ancient autumn equinox festivals, but it is still an important part of Pagan and Wicca culture today; it is one of the four primary sabbats on the Wheel of the Year (a cycle that describes the relationship of the Goddess and her offspring).
Although Mabon is primarily celebrated by Pagans and practitioners of Wicca, it is an important time for people of all faiths to reflect on their lives and give thanks. True, it doesn’t have the significance it used to have when the fall harvest was collected to prepare for a harsh and threatening winter, given the availability of food and warm shelter today. It does, however, mark a time when children begin a school year, for many companies a new fiscal year starts, the fun of summer has wound down and people prepare for colder, wetter seasons. As such, this holiday can be used to focus on the tasks ahead and give thanks for what has come before. The autumn equinox is an important natural occurrence for every person, and it is filled to the brim with honest symbolism that should be utilized in every person’s mind and individual traditions.
Becoming an interfaith minister of the Universal Life Church is more than just a hobby- it is a dedication. To be ordained is a great responsibility, and any individual should attempt to learn as much as possible about different faiths to be an interfaith minister in the Universal Life Church. The autumn equinox is an event of great significance for many different religious faiths, and those who are to be ordained should make an effort to learn something about these traditions and celebrations.