
01Sep, 2015

The Gutenberg Bible and Other Valuable Religious Manuscripts

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Gutenberg Bible
Gutenberg Bible

The Gutenberg Bible is one of the most valuable books in the world. What makes it so prized and unique is that it was the first manuscript of significance printed in the Western world using movable type. Originally published in the 1450s in Germany by Johannes Gutenberg, there are 48 copies of the book still in existence, some of which are only partially intact. The last complete Gutenberg Bible was sold at auction in 1987 for $4.9 million and, at the time, was the most expensive manuscript every sold. On June 19th, Sotheby’s in New York will auction off eight pages of a Gutenberg Bible, which are predicted to go for $500,000–$700,000. There are several other religious manuscripts that have been sold for large sums of money.

St. Cuthbert Gospel

The St. Cuthbert Gospel was written in the early 8th century and is pocket size. It includes the Gospel of John penned in delicate Latin script. The book is reportedly in excellent condition. In 2012, it was purchased by the British Library for $14.3 million after an extensive fundraising campaign. The manuscript had been on loan to the library from a British Jesuit order since 1979.

The St. Cuthbert Gospel was named for Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne. (Lindisfarne is a small island off the coast of northeast England). The manuscript was his personal copy, and is believed to have been placed in his tomb shortly after he died in 687. In 1104, Saint Cuthbert’s tomb was moved to Durham Cathedral, and the book was discovered during the relocation. It changed hands numerous times in the following centuries, and eventually ended up in the hands of the Jesuits who owned the manuscript until the order loaned it, and eventually sold it, to the British Library.

Rothschild Prayerbook

Also called Rothschild Hours, the Rothschild Prayerbook is a Flemish illuminated manuscript commissioned in the early 16th century. The book is 150 pages and contains many stunning, richly- colored illustrations. It is a compilation of the work of a number of different artists. In 1999, a European collector bought it for $13.4 million. Kerry Stokes, an Australian billionaire, purchased the manuscript at auction for $13.6 million in January of 2014. It is currently being displayed at the National Library of Australia. The Rothschild Prayerbook is the most expensive book in its category ever sold at auction.

Bay Psalm Book

The Bay Psalm Book was printed in Massachusetts in 1640, which is approximately 20 years after the Pilgrims are believed to have landed at Plymouth Rock. It was a translation of the Book of Psalms into verses that were meant to be sung as hymns. Eleven known copies still exist and, in 2013, one of them was sold at auction for $14.2 million.

Gospels of Henry the Lion

Henry the Lion was the Duke of Saxony and a powerful 12th century German prince. This book was made for him and intended for the altar of Brunswick Cathedral, located in north-central Germany. It is an illuminated 226-page manuscript, contains 50 full-page color illustrations and is completely intact. Many consider it one of the most beautiful examples of this type of manuscript still in existence. There is only one copy, and it was sold in London in 1983 for $11.7 million.

Biblia Pauperem

Biblia pauperem, also called the Pauper’s Bible, is a 15th century picture bible. The illustrations are the central focus and are prominently featured in the middle of the pages. The book contains hardly any text, and any words usually appear in scrolls coming out of the mouths of the people pictured, similar to modern cartoons. In 1987, it was sold for $2.2 million.

These five religious manuscripts are important works of literature and art, and have all been acquired for breathtaking sums of money.

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