Penn and Teller, the famous comedy and illusionist duo, are standing up to create a positive image of atheists, humanists, and secularists in America. As part of an initiative by Openly Secular, Penn and Teller released a video which affirmed their atheism. The duo has never denied the fact that they are atheists, but they do understand how difficult it is for secularists to take a stand and not conceal their ‘non-belief.’
What Is Openly Secular?
Openly Secular is a new organization/initiative trying to eliminate discrimination against atheists, agnostics, humanists, and other nonreligious individuals. It also wants to increase acceptance of secular individuals across America. Openly Secular wants to see a world where there are no social costs for being nonreligious. Within their website, you can find stories of those who are openly secular, as well as resources for religious individuals to understand how to deal with those who don’t believe.
Positive acceptance can only come as more people see that nonreligious individuals want the same things they do. The LGBT community has finally gained acceptance through their campaigns, and it’s believed that atheists will need the same kind of promotions. According to one study, more Americans would prefer to vote for an adulterer than an atheist. When a cheater takes preference over religious beliefs, something has to be done.
Who Is Coming Out as Atheist?
Penn and Teller have never been secretive about their atheism, but there are many individuals who have been. Here are some celebrities who are coming clean about their beliefs:
- John de Lancie – Actor who is best known as Q, from ‘Star Trek’
- Chris Kluwe- Former NFL player from the Oakland Raiders
- Bill Maher – Host and comedian
- Brad Pitt – Actor who grew up in a Southern Baptist home
- Morgan Freeman – Actor
- Angelina Jolie – Actress
- Issac Asimov – Scientist
- John Lennon – One of the Beatles
- Charles M. Schultz – Cartoonist, creator of ‘Peanuts’
- Walt Whitman – American poet
This is just a short list of the many people who considered themselves nonreligious. You’re in good company. According to the Pew Research Center, the ‘Nones,’ or those without religious affiliation, are on the increase in the United States. They now make up about 23 percent of the population, which is more than the Catholics (21 percent). Only evangelical Christians, at 25 percent, outnumber the Nones. Most theories indicate that the Nones are on the increase, and their numbers are only going to keep increasing.
Resources for Secular Allies
Openly Secular offers resources in both English and Spanish for those who want to understand a secular individual or need help living openly secular. Guides for family and friends are available, but also for educators and clergy who want to understand more. Brochures can be downloaded in a PDF format. With the holidays upcoming, it may be good for entire families to have this information to fully understand their friends and family members who don’t believe in God and Jesus Christ. If your family doesn’t understand you, it may be helpful to read through the brochures to open a dialogue.
Do You Need to Come Out?
Openly Secular understands that atheists may not want to come out. They certainly aren’t against hiding your beliefs and support your right to do so. However, they do believe that if nonreligious individuals would stop hiding their beliefs, more Americans would recognize that atheism and humanism do not make someone bad. A central goal of Openly Secular is to help the community understand that love and acceptance is not predicated on theological agreements. Only you can make the decision to be openly atheist. It’s not easy, but you do have support. Let’s create a caring environment for everyone, no matter what their religious beliefs are or aren’t.