In November, after the Paris bombing, a bookstore in Colorado was vandalized. Sadly, it wasn’t the first time this year that the store, Isis Books & Gifts was damaged by the uniformed. Unfortunately, it’s not the only casualty of current events. One woman had her Facebook account disabled because her name was Isis. Other businesses who simply used the name Isis as part of their organization’s identity have already changed their name, even though they had no connections to the terrorist group or Islam. For the record, according to the news reports, the bookstore in Colorado has no intentions of changing its name.
Why the Confusion?
Many news organizations use the acronym ISIS to denote the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The White House actually uses the acronym ISIL which stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Some foreign organizations use the term Da’ish or Daesh. ISIL has claimed responsibility for many terrorist attacks around the world. Because the term ISIS is still in used in the media, many people have the misconception that the name Isis is associated with terrorism.
Who Is Isis?
Isis was first worshipped in Ancient Egypt as a goddess of children and protector of the dead. Her name means “throne,” and she’s often depicted with a throne-like headdress. Isis married her brother, Osiris. Their son, Horus, is considered one of the most powerful Egyptian gods. In traditional Egyptian lore, Isis is considered the mother of every Pharaoh, and thus, mother of Egypt. Isis is often noted for her fertility. In modern times, Isis is recognized as a powerful goddess in both Wiccan and Pagan worship.
Other Uses of Isis
Many people may recognize Isis as a comic book character in the DC Universe. In the 1970s, a television show depicted the character as a strong woman with supernatural powers. Marvel Comics also has a character with the name Isis. Several British Royal Navy ships have held the name HMS Isis, and in England there is a bridge with the name. Several rivers around the world hold the name Isis. According to the U.S. Social Security Administration, Isis has remained in the top 1,000 names for girls over the last few years, with 376 girls given the name in 2014. There are other companies with Isis in their name, Isis Pharmaceuticals for example. The Institute for Science and International Security is one of a few organizations which also use the acronym to denote themselves. Time will tell if they feel as if they need a name change.
Changing Perception
Some names have fallen out of grace over time because of infamous individuals. Consider Adolf, a name which is hardly seen anymore. Society cannot ask every individual who is named Isis to change their name. Instead, it’s time to differentiate the name and the organization. If you’ve been given the name Charles, does that mean you’re associated with the serial killer Charles Manson? President Obama has taken a lot grief over his middle name, Hussein. It’s been suggested that the name means that he is secretly Muslim. If you looked back at your own name, it’s possible that you, too, could find some connection to an evil association.
Online petitions have been created to request the media to stop using the name ISIS to refer to the terrorist organization. Change is coming, but it’s slow. Until the news organizations begin to make accommodations, it’s up to the informed to help others remember that a name does not denote connection. If you know a little girl named Isis, remind her that her name has a long and powerful heritage and there’s nothing to be ashamed about. Give her lots of positive affirmations to counteract the negative associations in the news.