You’ve heard the old joke, “A rabbi, a priest, and an imam walk into a bar…” Well, this will soon be a reality, except it won’t be a bar, it will be a place of worship, called the House of One. Amazing as it sounds, this religious building in Berlin will bring together Jews, Christians, and Muslims under one roof. Individuals around the world can donate to this project, but interestingly, no one individual can give more than 435,000 Euros, or one percent of the final need.
Understanding the House of One
In 2010, a group of people came together and wanted to provide one location for interfaith worship. The building has been designed with three separate rooms for worship, each with their own entrance. The hope is that people can learn from and engage with other religions and bring about peace. The building has been designed with a communal room in the center as a place for everyone to come together. Other faiths will be invited to use the building.
Many people are worried that the House of One will standardize or try to join the three religions and create a new one. That is completely outside of the charter of the House of One. Each religion should nurture its own practices, but have contact with the other two faiths as a way of enriching its own identity.
Who Owns the House of One?
The group that came together with the idea of this building created an association: House of Prayer and Learning Petriplatz Berlin e. V. They developed by-laws and a charter, and ultimately want to change the association into a foundation which will take over the project. The association has carefully developed a plan to build the building in Berlin. They were hoping to begin construction this fall, but it seems to be taking longer to get the 43.5 million Euros it will take to complete the building. Once work actually begins on the building, it’s projected it will take two years to finish.
No one owns any financial interests in the House of One, and no profit is intended. Any extra money will go into its operations. There are many different oversight entities which will make sure the association is using the funds appropriately. Eventually, the association desires to commission an outside auditing firm to make sure that all donated funds were used appropriately.
The House of One Is Coming to America
It was in 2006 when the Tri-Faith Initiative came together and signed the Memorandum of Understanding in Omaha, Nebraska. Five years later, this group purchased a parcel of land on the outskirts of the city, and Temple Israel began construction of their synagogue. The first leg of the center was completed in 2013. The American Muslim Institute began construction earlier in 2015 on their construction of a mosque, and Countryside Community Church voted to be the Christian partner and to move their church to the land.
The Memorandum of Understanding outlines the beliefs of the Initiative. Members cannot proselytize, and everyone, regardless of their beliefs, must be treated with respect. All faiths are welcome. It’s much similar to the project in Berlin, although run by a different association. The House of One in Omaha may not be completed, but the Tri-Faith Initiative has sponsored many different activities between the congregations. The campus is expected to be fully completed at the end of 2017.
Both of these projects have been years in the making, but they both show that faiths can come together and work for the improvement of the community while maintaining their own convictions. It’s a lesson for every church, mosque, or synagogue around the world. Someday, the old joke about the priest, rabbi, and imam walking into a bar won’t be a joke anymore.