
19May, 2016

The LGBTQ Community and the Church

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LGBT Community
LGBT Community

It’s been a wild and crazy year for the LGBTQ community. Bathroom laws and transgender equality have been a key focus in many different states. President Obama is standing behind the federal government’s commitment to equality, issuing a statement to schools about the conditions to receive federal funding when it comes to providing facilities for transgender children. North Carolina is still in the news about their new law concerning who can use which bathroom. Here are some positive achievements within the Christian community relating to the LGBTQ community that you might have missed.

The United Methodist Church Has a Coming Out

Just days before the UMC General Conference, over 100 leaders in the ministry came out as members of the LGBTQ community to bring attention to the issue. They wrote a letter to the conference, which included this statement, “While you have welcomed us as pastors, youth leaders, district superintendents, bishops, professors, missionaries and other forms of religious service, you have required that we not bring our full selves to ministry, that we hide from view our sexual orientations and gender identities.” There is concern that the UMC may split over the issue, but the group is praying for unity. More ministers in the UMC are defying church tradition to marry same-sex couples, and they are being disciplined by the church. The UMC is just trying to decide if gay individuals can be clergy. There’s a long way to go, but the religious body is beginning to take steps to deal with it.

The Anglican Church in New Zealand Postpones Decision on Same-Sex Marriages

The Episcopal Church (the U.S. branch of the Anglican Church) has allowed same-sex marriages for over a year. This move led to sanctions from the Anglican leadership, but the Episcopal Church is not backing down. This summer, the Canadian Anglican Church is voting on whether they can bless same-sex marriages. New Zealand’s Anglican Church postponed the vote until 2018. The delay gives the church more time to find “dignity and justice for everyone.” A few days before the delay, there was concern that the vote would be to not allow the blessing of a same-sex union. Same-sex marriages became legal in New Zealand in 2013.

Italy Approves Gay Civil Unions

The last major country in Europe to approve gay civil unions is Italy. The country faced a great deal of opposition from the Catholic Church, but was finally given the vote. There’s still a long way to go for gay rights in the country, but this is a major step forward. Gay couples can now share a surname and inherit each other’s assets when a partner dies. It also allows a person to draw on their partner’s pension at death. Although conservatives have said that they are going to try and cancel the legislation by calling for a referendum, it does seem like a positive move for the country.

Salt Lake City Honors Gay Leader

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has certainly been vocal about opposing same-sex unions. Because it is based in Salt Lake City, it’s surprising that the City Council would name a street after a gay leader. The street, 900 South, has been renamed Harvey Milk Boulevard, in honor of the San Franciscan gay rights activist. Utah’s state capital also swore in a gay mayor in January.

More People Are Standing Behind Equality

Around the world, there are people who believe in equality for the LGBTQ community. The culture is changing toward inclusion. Even though there is a long way to go, there are positive steps forward, not just in the U.S., but internationally. We applaud those who are fighting for the civil rights of the LGBTQ community.

Provides Wedding Training for Ordained Ministers
