Elder Abuse can be prevented by staying socially engaged with our aging family and friends. Spot the signs.
Most people are aware that child abuse and domestic violence are huge problems in today’s society. Another growing problem is that of elder abuse. The elde…
Religious Service Attendance and the Gender Gap
There is a gender gap in the attendance of religious services. Women’s attendance is on the decline.
In May, the Vatican made a splash in the news when the Pope agreed to explore the idea of ordaining women as deacons in the church. A few days after the annou…
What Do You Know About Ramadan?
Ramadan Kareem: Arabic Lanterns are hung to celebrate the Muslim holy month
When most people thing of Ramadan, the first thing that comes to mind is fasting. While it’s true that Muslims abstain from food and drink during this spiritual month, there’s much more…
African-American Music Appreciation Month
African-American Music Month is celebrated in June
When you think of Nashville, Elvis, Dolly Parton, and country music come to mind. There’s no denying that Nashville is a mecca of music history, but you may not realize that one important influence to every genre…
College Religious Studies of Atheism and Secularism
Atheism and secularism market research question
We’ve reported that about 23 percent of the population claims no religious affiliation. Many of these individuals are millennials, who are more likely to identify as atheist or agnostic than their older counterparts…
International Day of Peacekeeping
UN peacekeeping missions support countries around the world
Over the last weekend in May, most people think about the start of summer, the end of school and vacation. A few might remember the Memorial Day holiday and head off to a cemetery to clean up the grave of …
Mental Health Month: Dealing With Depression and Anxiety
Mental Health Month
May is Mental Health Month. It’s actually just one of the many initiatives designed to promote awareness of mental health problems in the United States. According to the National Alliance on Mental Health, one in five Americans lives with a me…
Accommodating Muslims at Work
Faith is important to many Americans. Sometimes, it feels as if Christians get all the accommodations made and other religions just have to get in line. When you consider how many Muslims have had problems recently at their jobs, it might be true. Fortunate…
Dealing With Increased Suicide Rates
Suicide Rates
During April, in a small community of 2,000 in Ontario, Canada, there were 16 suicide attempts in just a few days and even 100 more since 2015. How does something like that happen? Some people believe that one attempt triggers more, which is known as …