No matter where you sit on the political spectrum, you probably are seeing some crazy behavior this election cycle. It’s not only from the candidates and commentators, it seems as if everyone is getting in on the debate. November is still three months or so away, and if you don’t want to lose your mind over all the mud that’s slinging around, you’re going to need to do something. Be proactive. Take steps to keep your sanity, your family and your friends. Here are some tips to help you get past the political rhetoric.
Stop Talking Politics
This isn’t easy, but you may just have to ask your friends to change the subject. Whether they have the same views as you or not, try hanging out with your peeps doing something else besides discussing the current political climate. When Uncle Joe wants to draw you out and try to enlighten you to his point of view, be sincere but firm. “Can we talk about something else, please?” If he doesn’t comply, move away. Pull in your family for support if you can.
Give to the Community
Get out and do something for others. Go to the local animal shelter and take care of the dogs. The only political bias they might have is if you come in smelling like a cat, but most dogs get over that pretty quickly once they realize you’re paying attention to them. Reach out in a way you don’t normally do. Go to a local nursing home and see what needs to be done. Every election, politicians vow to make changes, but nothing really seems to happen. It’s up to the local community to really make a difference in someone’s life. You might make some friends, and you’ll certainly feel better about yourself for giving back.
Invest in Your Spiritual Life
Take some time to read the Bible or Koran or another faith-based book to help you practice your faith. You’re an atheist? Learn meditation or do yoga. Get a massage. Invest in your peace and sanity by finding ways to manage your stress. Go hiking in nature. Explore the beach. Find whatever brings balance into your life. If you’ve been meaning to get back to church, do it. Do something that brings you joy and forget about politics for a while. Find your happy place and make a point to go there, repeatedly. Don’t invite those who want to upset your status quo.
Unplug From Social Media
You may need to go cold turkey or just unfollow some of your more extreme friends. One thing to do to stay out of the fray is avoid endorsing any one person or party. Your good friends probably know where you stand, and if someone wants your opinion, he or she can ask. But when you don’t talk about the election, you aren’t opening yourself up to debate. If you do need to talk about a particular issue, seek out friends who are more unbiased and have an open mind. If you absolutely want to get involved in the debate, speak to issues of injustice or justice.
Remember, The Government Goes Forward, No Matter Who Wins
Of course, everyone hopes for the best outcome in the election. The same divisions that we have before the election will continue to exist after November. We still have to live with our neighbors and family, no matter who gets elected. We’re always going to have to interact with others who have different philosophies and religions. The government infrastructure is sound, and it’s withstood many different problems throughout the years. You may have to be very intentional with your relationships to keep your sanity until the election is over, but it will be worth the energy spent.