One of the most recognizable names of a saint is that of Francis of Assisi. Many famous paintings, compositions and texts have been produced in his honor, but many people don’t really know who this man was or why his name is familiar. One of his best-known quotes is:
“A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.”
Saint Francis is the patron saint of ecology and animals. His life didn’t start out on the path to becoming a priest or being considered for sainthood. Learn more about this man and why we celebrate him on October 4.
Saint Francis of Assisi’s Early Life
Francis of Assisi was born to a rich silk merchant and his noble wife in 1181. He was baptized Giovanni, but his father began to call him Francesco in honor of the success he was having in France. Francis probably lived as a wealthy young man in his time, and might even be considered a playboy by today’s standards. When Francis was older, he joined the military and went off to war. He was taken prisoner and spent a year as a captive.
When he was released, he returned to Assisi ostensibly to return to a carefree lifestyle. Instead, he experienced a spiritual crisis and had a strange vision. He renounced his wealth and devoted his life to God. He lived in poverty, even begging as he began to serve God. In 1209, Pope Innocent gave Francis permission to form a new order of priests, the Franciscans or Friars Minor.
Francis attempted to negotiate peace between the Muslims and Christians who were fighting in the Crusades. He was unsuccessful, but he did have permission to preach in the Holy Land. Since those times, the Franciscan order has been present in Israel practically uninterrupted, almost 400 years. The Franciscans are considered “Custodians of the Holy Land” within the Catholic Church.
Francis is said to be the first account of a stigmata. An angel is thought to have given him the five wounds of Christ when he was on a 50-day fast. In the late 1980s, it was hypothesized that he might have contracted leprosy, which gave him the purple wounds that appeared as the wounds that Christ received on the cross. Francis died two years later in 1226.
Pope Gregory IX canonized Saint Francis of Assisi on July 16, 1228. Not only is he the patron saint of animals and the environment, he is also the patron saint of Italy, merchants, Cub Scouts and tapestry workers. He is also remembered for setting up the first Nativity scene or crèche with real animals. It was his desire that worshippers would experience the manger using all their senses.
Celebrate With Your Pets
When the current Pope was elected in 2013, he chose Francis as his papal name in recognition of Saint Francis of Assisi. Pope Francis wanted people not to forget the poor. It was the first time that a pope had been named Francis as a well-deserved remembrance of Saint Francis.
The feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi is October 4. Many churches open their doors to bless animals on this day in his honor. Francis of Assisi loved nature and animals, and he had a deep respect for all of creation. You don’t have to be Christian to appreciate his love for all that has been created for us. Think of Saint Francis of Assisi this month, even if you miss his day. Remember his compassion and peace, and let them carry over into your life.
The Peace Prayer is often attributed to Saint Francis:
“Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.”