Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. -Mahatma Gandhi
Each of us has a different definition of happiness, which is perfectly okay. What makes one person content can be tedious for someone else. A lot of people believe that happiness is more money or a more impressive position. The reality is that we can be quite content where we’re at. Being happy comes from within ourselves, not from the external things we have. Here are a few ways to increase your pleasure and enjoyment out of life without a lot of expense.
Ideas for being happy:
- Have a positive outlook. Sometimes, having an optimistic view of life can make all the difference in how your day goes. Spilling coffee on your shirt doesn’t have to ruin your day.
- Forgive others for small slights and mistakes. While you’re at it, forgive yourself, too. There are times when forgiveness isn’t possible, but choose to move on from those times.
- Take care of your physical well-being. Get enough sleep and eat healthier. Choose fruits and vegetables over items with empty calories. But don’t forget to have an occasional treat.
- Walk around the block with your four-legged friend. He’ll love having new smells and your attention. Wave at your neighbors and enjoy the time without electronics.
- Remember gratitude. Thank the waitress who brings you your coffee. Remember to appreciate the janitor who cleans the bathrooms at your job. You’ll make someone else’s day, and you’ll feel better about yourself.
- Learn something new. Keeping your mind engaged is good for your happiness and your well-being. Go to the library and get a book on something you’ve always wanted to know more about. Take a class at the community center. Get together with friends to paint, to make a quilt or to talk about books. Save the politics for another day.
- If you can’t go around the world, go somewhere new in your own state. Travel on historic Route 66 or up the Mississippi. Lots of small towns have a small museum and local café where you can get great tastes of the culture. Explore different cultures and traditions.
- Accept yourself, flaws and all. Don’t compare yourself to others. It sounds cliché, but the only person you have to be better than is yourself.
- Help others. One core belief in addiction recovery is to take action and do unto others as others have done for you. Even if you aren’t an addict, you will find many benefits to helping others. It lifts your spirits and encourages intimacy. When you’re needed by someone else, it improves your own self-worth.
- Take time for yourself. If you constantly give of yourself to others, you need time to replenish your soul. Meditate, read, listen to music, take in a show or go for a drive in the country. Do whatever you need to do to refill yourself.
Life goes up and down. You may experience times when happiness seems far away. That’s okay. Things happen to us that can make it difficult to find that place of contentment. Try not to stay in that place for too long. If you forget how to find happiness, seek out professional help. Talk to a counselor, your minister or even a friend to get a different perspective. Maybe you will need to talk to your doctor about depression. There’s no shame in getting help when you need it.
Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There’s going to be stress in life, but it’s your choice whether you let it affect you or not. -Valerie Bertinelli