If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete. – Jack Kornfield
When was the last time you showed kindness to yourself? We all get busy, especially around the holidays. It’s easy to feel exhausted and operate in a mental fog because you just don’t take care of yourself. Self-care isn’t a one-time habit, but a repetition of many tiny habits that add up to giving yourself positive mental energy and keeping yourself healthy, happy and tranquil. Self-care doesn’t have to cost a lot, but it does have to be purposeful. Don’t just sit on the couch, binging on Netflix, but really take care of your well-being.
- Take the lurkers off your to-do list. You know the thing that has been on your list forever and that you’re never going to do. Scratch those tasks off and add things you really want to do.
- Unplug from the electronics. Set yourself free from the constant notifications. Do something that makes you happy.
- Watch clouds. Lay on the ground and relax.
- Take the negative people off your social media pages. You don’t have to unfriend anyone, just turn off their feed on yours.
- Take some time off social media. You don’t have to make this a 30-day fast. One day without Facebook and Twitter won’t hurt you. Or make a daily time when social media is off limits, like when you wake up until noon.
- Oxygenate regularly by taking deep breaths. Take a few minutes every hour to consciously breathe in and out.
- Stretch after you’ve been sitting for a long time. There are some easy stretching activities you can do right at your desk.
- Have a good laugh every day. Read comic strips or a book that has jokes.
- Make a connection with your pet. Research shows that dogs and cats have positive energy and reduce stress. Play fetch, walk your dog and have a petting session.
- Find five beautiful things in your day. Mindfulness keeps you grounded in your day. When you’re not going through life on autopilot, you feel better about routine activities.
- Splurge on a spa day. Or take time for a home spa. Enjoy a long, hot bath or shower. Sit in your bathrobe and read or listen to music.
- Take a 10- to 20-minute nap to revitalize yourself. The Sleep Foundation recommends short naps to improve performance and alertness but not to replace poor nighttime sleep quality.
- Have a date with yourself. Go to the movies, read a book or visit the aquarium, whatever helps you feel recharged. Don’t wait for a friend to go with you.
- Spend some time with good friends. Play games or have dinner together to talk and enjoy each other’s company.
- Be kind to others. Remember to say thank you to the barista who makes your coffee. Talk to the janitor who keeps the floors in your office clean. Make a connection with someone else who might get overlooked.
- Be creative. Write down your thoughts. Paint. Draw. Play music. Take time to practice some kind of artistic endeavor. Even if it’s just an adult coloring book, use different mental muscles.
- Say no. Set boundaries to keep your calendar from becoming overwhelming. You are the only one who controls your life. You have to be the one who puts limits on your time.
Remember the Serenity Prayer:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Whether you believe in God or not, this statement is a good reminder to accept what you cannot do anything about. Enjoy the journey of life without trying to fight the current.