Robin Williams, beloved comedian, said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s party!” Around the world, many cultures have festivals of spring and the Spring Equinox in March that welcome the new season, flowers and growth of life. The spring equinox is the date used to calculate the Christian Easter, Jewish Passover and Iranian Festival Nowruz.
Bring on the Eggs
Eggs represent life, rebirth and fertility. The idea of decorating eggs for Easter predates that of Christianity. The Iranian New Year, Nowruz, has been celebrated for over 3,000 years. People decorated eggs as a way of welcoming the new season. The Egg has long been symbolic of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in Christian cultures. Eggs are dyed red and blessed by the priest before being distributed to congregants. The red symbolized the blood of Christ, while the hard shell represented the sealed tomb. When the shell was cracked, it was a remembrance of Christ overcoming the tomb.
Historically, eggs were considered one of the foods that Christians avoided during the season of Lent. Easter would be the first chance to enjoy eggs after abstaining for so long. Today, the bright colors remind of us of flowers and nature and the coming season of spring.
Spring Cleaning
The roots of spring cleaning might be from the Jewish celebration of Passover. The Jews would thoroughly clean their house before the memorial feast to remember the flight out of Egypt. But the Jews are not the only culture that does a spring cleaning. Iranians also perform a spring cleaning for the New Year. In Japan, on March 20, people visit the graves of their ancestors and clean up the sites. Most likely, we clean in spring as a way of getting out of the winter blues. It’s warm enough to open up the windows and enjoy the fresh air without having to worry about insects. When coal furnaces were popular, they could be shut down to let people clean the soot off the walls and furniture.
Storytelling Day
The tradition began in Sweden, but it’s not entirely clear why storytelling is associated with the spring equinox. World Storytelling Day is celebrated in many countries on March 20. This year’s theme is transformation. Families are encouraged to share the oral history of their traditions and lives today. Turn off your electronic devices today and enjoy some stories over dinner.
Astrology Day
Astronomy or astrology, what’s the difference? Astronomy is a science that studies the solar system, asteroids, comets and the rest of the universe. Astrology is a belief in how the stars and planets are positioned and how this positioning affects events on earth. Astrologers believe that the spring equinox is the first day of the astrological calendar. It marks the beginning of the tropical zodiac.
Sock Burning
In Annapolis, Md., there is an annual celebration in which the boating community burns their socks. It’s because boaters traditionally do not wear socks except in the winter. March 20 marks the first day of spring, and everyone burns their socks as a symbolic goodbye to the cold. Many other communities now celebrate this rite, but it began in Annapolis. It’s now celebrated with a sock bonfire, an oyster roast, food vendors, and activities and exhibits relating to maritime heritage.
Even if you still have snow on the ground when the spring equinox occurs, you can be assured that spring is around the corner. It is a time of rebirth and renewal. If you’ve forgotten your New Year’s resolutions, maybe now is a time to rethink what you want to accomplish this year. Set new goals or resurrect the old ones and focus on what you want out of life.