The world is an active contradiction. While the internet has connected the people of the globe in new and exciting ways, the planet still remains a vast and mysterious realm. Throughout human history, religion has most often been used to explain that which cannot be fully comprehended about the world. Though the major religions like Christianity and Islam often get the most attention from the masses, it is important to note there are upwards of 4,000 religions currently being practiced around the planet. Here are details on some of the more obscure religions.
Learning about some of the more obscure religions of the world can be fascinating. Some of these groups have origins dating back centuries, and others only popped up in recent decades. No matter when and where these groups came from, they each play a significant role in the everyday lives of their members.
Some religions have deep roots but have only taken off in modern history. This is the case with the religion of Ásatrú. Often referred to as Odinism, this set of beliefs can trace its beginnings back to ancient Scandinavia. The deities and traditions of this religion are Norse in origin, and its pantheon includes venerated figures like Thor and Odin. While much of this religion has ancient origins, Ásatrú usually refers specifically to a movement that took off in the United States in the 1960s.
There are people who follow this faith in both America and Scandinavia, though there are significant differences in the way the religion is observed. The religion is not as popular as it once was in the United States, but there are still a significant number of people who currently follow this belief. Reports from the past decade state there are several thousand active believers in America, though it can be difficult to ascertain exact numbers when it comes to religious surveys and the number might actually be higher.
Some obscure religions remain on the fringes because they are small, but that is not always the case. Jainism is a religion many Westerners are unfamiliar with, even though there are more than five million people across the world who follow its path. This religion emerged from India, and it dates back so far, scholars are not certain about when it actually began. Records and writings suggest this religion might have begun thousands of years ago, though it is impossible to know for certain. Though its origins might be shrouded in mystery, its message is clear.
Jainists believe in walking a path of nonviolence. Respect for all living things is one of the most important beliefs associated with this religion. Those who follow Jainism must make certain vows in order to walk this path with truth. Usually, they will live chaste lives, honor truth, give up their possessions, and constantly work toward conquering all the passions that can tempt one in life. Though this religion began in India, it has spread across the world and has significant number of followers in both the United Kingdom and the United States.
A Rich Tapestry
Another interesting religious group that currently exists in the world is Jediism. This religious group follows the teachings of none other than filmmaker George Lucas and his “Star Wars” franchise. Those who follow this religion believe “the Force” is real and that it can be manipulated by a certain few. Though there are not many active followers of Jediism, those who do belong to this faith have gained significant media attention over the years. The most notable example of this is when many people listed their religion as “Jedi” during the 2001 census.
There are many fascinating religions being practiced across the world. While customs and traditions may vary, all religions have the common trait of helping people to make sense of the world around them. Whether ancient or modern, small in scale or a worldwide presence, each religion offers something meaningful to the men and women who follow it.