Modern Paganism is a belief system with ancient roots. In fact, most people do not realize that a majority of pagan rituals predate religions like Christianity and Islam. A large number of the world’s more popular religions borrow practices and traditions from older pagan beliefs. The term “pagan” is actually one created by Christians to define people who were practicing religions unrelated to Christianity. Paganism was long viewed in a negative light by followers of Christianity, and this led to a number of misconceptions about paganism spreading across the world.
Right away, it is important to keep in mind that paganism has nothing to do with worshipping Satan. This is one of the biggest and most inaccurate beliefs surrounding paganism in the current day and age. Though there are religious groups and cults with a fondness for satanic ideals, paganism is more about communing with nature and the unseen spirits of the world. To clear the air, here are some of the more interesting beliefs surrounding modern paganism.
Everybody’s Free
Organized religion is not always the most open and progressive when it comes to issues of gender equality. Abrahamic religions like Christianity and Islam tend to push men as being more important than women in the grand scheme of things. This is obvious in how many rules and regulations these religions attempt to push onto women. While many women and men are fine with these rules, there are more who find the mentality to be insulting. Of course, not all religions follow this path.
Modern Paganism is appealing to a vast number of people because of the way it handles gender. In most pagan belief systems, men and women are considered equals in all ways. Beyond this, paganism has also long been open to sexuality and gender identities. Individuals who identify as members of the LGBT community tend to turn toward modern paganism because of its openness and lack of judgement toward people of all walks of life.
Spells and Specifics
When considering paganism, many people immediately start thinking about witchcraft. While paganism and witchcraft overlap, they are not one and the same. Paganism has roots in magic, with many rituals and traditions involving spells, incantations, potions, and more. Despite this, there are plenty of pagans who do not dabble in magic whatsoever. Just because a person is a pagan does not mean he or she is specifically involved with witchcraft. There are, however, plenty of branches of paganism that focus intensely on the magical side of things.
For the most part, pagans believe in the spirits of the planet and the natural world. Many also tend to have a strong faith in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Some branches have more specific rules than others when it comes to worship and who is invited to service. Dianic Witchcraft is a form of paganism open only to women. Even though paganism is supportive of all genders, Dianic Witchcraft often is related to aspects of a woman’s existence, such as fertility and menstruation. While there are fewer all-male branches of paganism, some do exist around the world.
Smoke and Mirrors
In the current day and age, a religion centering around gender equality and respect for the planet can seem important. Still, there are a number of people out there who still view paganism as a satanic cult. The best way to get through these misconceptions is by sitting down and learning the truth. Research paganism and how it has changed and evolved over the centuries due to external religious influences. The more you learn, the easier it can be to rise above the false information.
Whether you find paganism fascinating or confusing, it is a religion with many followers around the world. Exploring what it has to offer can be an illuminating and enriching experience.