Tea is a beverage with a long and interesting history. Though there are countless people around the world who associate drinking tea with the people of the United Kingdom, this is not quite the case. The practice of preparing and consuming tea dates back thousands of years to China. Legend states that a servant to Emperor Shen Nung accidentally served the emperor a hot drink that tree leaves had fallen into. The story states that Shen Nung was so surprised by the refreshing taste of the drink, he had his servants replicate the recipe.
Essentially, this is how the practice of drinking winter tea came to be. Nowadays, there are endless blends of teas to be found across the planet. For many, tea has a spiritual quality to it. Pagans all over the world will drink special tea mixes to find comfort, love, and serenity. When winter rolls along and the world is held in its icy grip, you may find making a cup of one of winter tea to be useful in soothing your body and your spirits.
New Moon
The moon is a symbol present in most of the religions of the world. Being one of the most prominent objects in the sky, it makes sense that people all over would come up with stories and rituals surrounding the moon. Various pagan groups pay homage to the moon and its many phases by engaging in simple meditations and practices. A cup of the right tea on the night of the month’s full moon, for example, can help to set a person’s mind on coming responsibilities.
Pagan rituals often follow the seasons, meaning a tea created for a new moon in the winter will be much different than one made for a new moon in the summer. The next chilly night where a new moon is approaching, mix together a combination of clove, lavender, lemon, and sage. Steep these dried ingredients in hot water for about ten minutes, add honey if desired, and serve. To get the most from this practice, sit down with the cup of winter tea and meditate on upcoming challenges you would like help with overcoming. Drink the tea and enjoy the moon.
Solstice Soul
Most pagans around the world celebrate natural events like the solstices and equinoxes. Typically, the winter solstice falls somewhere in late December for those in the Northern Hemisphere. The event is marked by festivals, feasts, and frolicking of all kinds. Drinking special tea blends for the solstice is another way for revelers to welcome the coming chill and think back on the joy of the summer and bounty of the autumn. Though made of ingredients found specifically around this time of the year, solstice tea can be enjoyed all throughout the winter.
One recipe for this type of tea blends together apple slices, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and lemon with traditional bags of black tea. Honey and sugar can be added to bring out the natural flavor, though it is not required. The fragrance of the elixir is said to calm the spirits, making a person feel completely at peace. Since the solstice marks the start of some particularly cold days, a cup of this tea might be exactly what your body requires to stay nice and toasty.
Find Your Blend
Though there are countless recipes out there for making your own unique tea blends, it is important to experiment. If you want to find a connection with various pagan rituals, then take a look at guides on the importance of particular herbs, spices, and foods. Knowing the magical or mystical properties of an ingredient can help to inform you on why these particular items are being used in each brew.
The winter can be long and harsh. To make life a bit easier, consider following pagan rituals and getting into the habit of warming your soul with a hot cup of tea.