Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Western Zodiac, and its duration falls between October 23 and November 22. The most famous trait of this sign, however, is the constellation it is associated with: Scorpius the Scorpion. Despite the fact that the sign is connected to a dangerous, often poisonous creature, those born under it often exhibit a range of interesting personality traits. In fact, Scorpios are said to exhibit some of the most mysterious traits of all the astrological signs.
Since Scorpio Season is in full effect, now is an excellent time to explore some interesting facts surrounding this sign. Take a look and learn a bit more about the sting of the Scorpio.
Close Friends and Dangerous Foes
Due to the nature of the Scorpio, there is a certain degree of mystique around the sign. Even those with very little understanding of astrology are likely to have a few preconceived notions about those born under Scorpius. This is because Scorpios tend to have very strong personalities. They are said to be fiercely protective over those they care for and will often go to extreme lengths to make sure these individuals feel protected and loved. Of course, this exact energy can also be frightening when you’re on the wrong side of a Scorpio.
The same energy that makes a Scorpio a passionate friend can turn one into a very worthwhile enemy. Those with this sign are said to care very deeply about protecting what they feel is theirs, which can lead to some intense situations for those who oppose them. Scorpios are also said to be good at discerning truth from lies, though there are many who believe Scorpios are also good at telling and committing to their own lies when they feel it serves a greater purpose.
Tough and Gentle
Since many Scorpios carry with them an air of intrigue, most people tend to make assumptions about them, such as that they are cold and somewhat distant. This perception is usually based on the observation that a Scorpio is not likely to share his or her inner emotions with people he or she does not feel comfortable with. In truth, the Scorpio is likely to be going through a lot of emotional changes even when he or she doesn’t show this.
Some also assume Scorpios are colder because they are more likely to tell the blunt, honest truth. When partners and friends ask for an opinion on a matter, they might not always enjoy the feedback offered to them by a Scorpio. Still, this straightforward truth can also be a breath of fresh air to many. In a world where plenty of people hide their own opinions to fit in or make a good impression, the Scorpio rises above by speaking his or her own truth whenever given the chance.
Persistence Pays Off
Another common trait attributed to Scorpios is persistence. When a Scorpio fixes on a goal, everyone else would be wise to not get in the way. A Scorpio is more likely to know what he or she wants than those born under other signs and will usually not hesitate to go after it. While this can be an admirable trait, it can also be problematic if the person gets tunnel vision and refuses to see the reality of a given situation. Still, this dedication can also help a Scorpio excel in many aspects of his or her life.
Though thought to be mysterious and cold, the average Scorpio is an individual with deep emotions and serious life goals. Those born under this sign should always be careful to use the truth for the right reasons and to avoid ruffling feathers when focused on a goal he or she is aiming to achieve.