Religion is not always an easy concept to nail down. In fact, academics and scholars have argued for untold years about how, exactly, to define the word “religion.” In some cases, a religion can be a personal belief system for an individual to connect to a higher power. Other situations show that a religion can be large and complicated, ruling over the daily lives of everyone in a society. No matter the size, religion – and figuring it out – can be a bit of a complicated endeavor.
Often, observing some of the more fascinating rituals of the world can be useful in gaining perspective on the idea. Check out some of these odd and interesting religious customs practiced around the planet, and see what kind of peculiar effects they can have.
Chicken Dance
The concept of “sin” can be found in a number of religious systems. Essentially, a sin is an immoral act that goes against the will of a god or other higher power. In Christianity, sins play a big part. Those who live a life of sin without remorse or repentance are said to be sent to hell where their souls will be tortured for a failure to obey the rules set forth by God. Christians believe human beings are born with sin and need to work tirelessly to fight against this and prove themselves worthy of God’s love.
Though the Christians get a lot of credit for the idea of sin, the concept dates back to the Old Testament and the Jewish faith. According to Judaism, sins are much smaller transgressions and usually used to describe the act of straying from the path of religion. One ceremony centering around sin is Kaparot, usually held before Yom Kippur each year. During Kaparot, a person picks up a chicken by the neck and twists the head around. The idea here is to transfer the sins of the human into the chicken, which will then be cooked and consumed for dinner.
Hunger Persists
While all religions can seem complicated to outsiders, Hinduism can be one of the more difficult to grasp. Unlike most world religions that have seriously strict rules and regulations, much of Hinduism is a bit looser and open to the interpretation of the individual. Of course, there are those who follow very specific practices when it comes to showing their devotion. This is especially true of the Aghori in India. Considered Hindus who follow the path of Shiva, the Aghori have received a great deal of attention over the years for their interesting funeral practices.
The Aghori use the bodies of the dead in a number of ways that conflict with modern thought processes. After a body is buried and has sat in the ground for a significant amount of time, it is not uncommon for members of this group to dig the body back up and use the bones of the deceased in various rituals. Skulls are used as cups for Shiva, bones are used in jewelry, and any cremated ashes are used as markings on the skin.
Give and Take
Fasting is a practice that can be found in religious systems all across the world. To deny the body nourishment in the hopes of attaining a higher level of consciousness has long been viewed as an act of restraint and solidarity. For the indigenous tribes of North America, fasting was a huge part of preparing for the Sun Dance. After spending several days fasting, participants would enter a lodge where their skin would be pierced by skewers. The spilling of blood and marking of flesh after fasting was said to bring prosperity to families.
People will most likely be debating about religion until the end of time. In the meantime, it can be fun to look at what has come before and see all of the fascinating rituals and practices out there.