Love it or hate it, astrology has long had an impact on the opinions of countless people around the planet. The idea that the stars have a direct relation to personality traits and suitable romantic partners can be alluring. Recently, according to the Western Zodiac, the sun has entered Leo, also known as The Lion. While you might not be a staunch believer in astrology, per se, you may find it interesting to learn more about the sign and the significance it holds to many.
From July 23rd to August 22nd, the sun passes through the constellation of Leo, and anyone born during this time is considered to be born under the Leo sign. The constellation itself was named after the Nemean lion from Greek mythology. According to lore, the hero Heracles killed the ferocious beast, who was said to have fur impervious to human weapons. While people born under this sign might not be wild animals, astrological beliefs surrounding Leo can paint a picture of a very passionate individual.
Exuberant and Selfish
Astrology is interesting because it delivers not only the positive traits of each sign but also the terrible and negative. Many astrologers believe that understanding the duality of each sign can help a person feel whole and not fall prey to the highs and lows. Leos, for example, are considered to be very creative individuals. Not only do they have a passion for creation, they also have an infectious exuberance about what they do and what they enjoy doing. While this can be a wonderful trait, it also has a downside.
Exuberant as they may be, Leos are also said to easily fall prey to being quite selfish. A Leo who doesn’t stop to take stock once in a while might use his or her exuberant and creative nature to lure people in. The self-centered tendencies of the Leo can cause them to look at other people as means to an end, never making lasting connections or appreciating people for more than their base value. Leo is also considered to be the astrological opposite of Aquarius, a sign said to believe in the power and potential of mankind.
Appearances Matter
According to astrology, Leos also put a lot of weight on public appearance. This makes sense, as Leos often crave power over others. Without a prolific image, the illusion will be destroyed. This can come out in a number of peculiar ways. A Leo might, for example, take an extraordinary amount of time getting ready simply to walk down the street to grab a pizza. To the Leo, every moment spent in the eye of the public is a moment that needs to be rehearsed and well executed.
Worrying about what others think is both a blessing and a curse. When one is only doing it to gain power or because he or she is vain, it can bring out the most negative traits in a person. On the other hand, thinking about how one looks to others can play an important role when it comes to being taken seriously by friends or wanting to get ahead in one’s field. “Using the power for good” is an important adage for a Leo to remember.
I Will
Finally, the Leo’s motto is said to be “I will.” In the best possible light, this can be a declaration of willpower. The Leo’s exuberance is a form of confidence, and his or her dedication to a strong public image can create a powerful leader. Of course, too much willpower can also easily lead to delusions of grandeur. As with all signs, astrologers state that the key is finding a balance between the strengths and weaknesses.
No matter how you feel about astrology, there are some interesting tidbits to discover in each sign. Above all else, having an excuse to look within can be a good opportunity for growth.