As the summer winds down and kids start preparing to go back-to-school, parents everywhere are breathing a sigh of relief. While most moms and dads like having extra time with their little ones, the season can also wear on patience and get parents counting down the seconds until September arrives. If you’re preparing your children for the school year and scrambling to grab supplies, think out lunches, and volunteer for PTA functions, you may not be giving yourself enough time to tend to your own needs.
Take a moment to breathe and find your own personal serenity. Soon, the kids will be out of the house again for longer chunks and you can find a moment or two to sit in the silence. In order to regain your composure and feel ready for the rest of the challenges in your daily life, take a moment to consider these tips on feeling well.
Recalculate Your Thoughts
Do you ever drive around using a directions app and make a wrong turn, only to have to wait for a second while the app recalculates your route? It might be frustrating in the moment, but there are times when the new route you discover is a bit better than the one you were previously on. As useful as this can be in your car, it can be even more helpful to apply to other aspects of your life. Recalculating your mind is all about recognizing when you need to divert your attention from thoughts that are less than useful.
When you find yourself worrying too much about what other people think about you, then it is a perfect time to recalculate your thoughts. Remind yourself that the opinions of others do not hold sway over your life or your destiny. If you find yourself falling down the rabbit hole of dark thoughts and paranoia brought on by the 24-hour news cycle, recalculate your thoughts and keep in mind the world is not always as scary as the media can make it appear. These little adjustments can do wonders for finding peace.
No More Jitters
During the summer you may find yourself needing a bit more energy. With the kids home from school, you might be playing with them, going off on adventures into nature, and exerting yourself more than normal. Though this definitely is important to do, it can also make you reliant on coffee, tea, and other energizing drinks. Now that school is back in session, you are going to want to slowly cut these drinks out of your routine. Though caffeine can be a nice jolt now and again, it can also cause the mind to worry and heart to race.
In order to find a bit of peace, learn to find energy from other sources. Get better sleep and try to eat a cleaner, healthier diet for your body to draw energy from. Fish containing fatty acids are a fantastic source of omega-3s which, in turn, give you energy. Bananas and apples also help in this regard, as does good ol’ water. While it might not be possible to completely remove caffeinated beverages from your life, you can definitely do your part to cut back and see yourself in a more serene state of mind.
Back to Clarity
Summer has a way of bringing about a ton of energizing and exciting activities. Once September comes around again and the little ones go back to school, you might feel yourself still reeling from all of the thrills of the season. To feel composed and ready to tackle all your usual tasks, you may find it useful to give yourself a bit of time to find your serenity and keep yourself content.