Though it has been practiced around the world for millennia, yoga has become quite a popular mode of experiencing wellness in the Western world in recent decades. Despite how widespread the practice is, there are still plenty of people out there who have never taken the opportunity to try it for themselves. If you’re someone who wants to try yoga, you might have a few pressing concerns you need addressed before signing up for your first yoga class. Thankfully, preparing is not as complicated as you might imagine.
Whether you’re looking to tone your physique or you’re trying to center your emotions and feel spiritually grounded, there are a few key aspects to yoga class that can be helpful to understand. Explore these basic points and feel confident in booking your first class in the near future.
Does Clothing Matter?
Right away, it can be important to address yoga clothing. A few years ago, this wouldn’t even be a primary concern for most people. Nowadays, more and more people are opting to wear yoga clothes and workout gear as bits of comfortable fashion. When you see men and women walking around in loose, colorful yoga pants, it can be easy to assume that you also need a pair before you can commit to the practice. In truth, the pants are a modern invention and are far from a necessary part of your experience.
The most important thing to remember about the clothing you wear to your first yoga class is that you need to be able to move in it. Not just a little bit of moving, mind you. The clothing, pants especially, need to give you a full range of motion. You will be shifting your body from one position to another throughout the entire class, and the last thing you want is for your pants to start ripping in the middle of an awkward pose. Do a little research, and you’ll find suitable options.
Don’t Feel Self-Conscious
Another important thing to address about your first yoga class is feeling self-conscious. Yoga can be an odd practice to get into at first because you are in a room with strangers moving your body into positions you might not be comfortable with. Many people hold back during their classes out of fear of failing or “looking silly.” Sadly, having this mindset is going to get in the way of your success, and you need to try and ditch the thought fast.
If you are very concerned about appearing foolish to strangers, try to remember that no one is going to be judging you. Opt to take a class made specifically for beginners, and you might discover that everyone is feeling as uncomfortable as you. Once you are able to embrace the discomfort, you will be able to really commit to the practice and actually enjoy the calm that comes with joining your mind and body.
Show Proper Respect
Last, but definitely not least, remember to show proper respect throughout the yoga class. Try to arrive to your class roughly 10 to 15 minutes before the official start time. Doing this will help you feel prepared and ensure you aren’t holding the class up because you’re running late. You also might need to familiarize yourself with the rules of the studio you’re attending, and this extra time can help you understand the various bits of etiquette involved. It is also important to shower before this class, as you will be in close proximity to other people while working out.
There are plenty of amazing reasons to get involved with yoga and very few reasons to try and avoid it. Giving yourself a bit of time to understand the process can help you get involved with this ancient practice in a way that works best for you.