Most people in the Western World know October 31 is Halloween, a day to wear costumes, eat candy, and indulge in the darker, scarier side of human nature. Still, it is far from the only holiday celebrated on this particular day. In fact, there is another important holiday that many people all over the planet pay respect to on October 31: Samhain. Also known as the “Witches’ New Year,” this is an event meant to symbolize the cycle of death and rebirth, as well as connect to the places where spirits dwell.
Whether you are a practicing witch or you want to learn a bit more about autumn holidays, Samhain is a fascinating celebration. Take a look at these simple ways to celebrate, and see what you might be able to do to honor this special time of year.
Honor the Dead
The beginning of the autumn is often associated with ghosts, spirits, and phantasms. From Halloween to All Saint’s Day to Samhain, people throughout history seem to understand that there is an importance to communing with those who have died. This is why a number of rituals surrounding Samhain have to do with contacting, honoring, celebrating, and respecting the departed. A great way to pay heed to this time of year is by finding your own way to honor your ancestors.
Many witches, Wiccans, and pagans take part in meditation and prayer throughout Samhain. While there are specific prayers associated with the season, the exact words are not essential. The main idea is to think back on all those who have come before and consider how present actions might be impacting the spiritual world. For some, visiting the grave or burial site of a friend or family member who has passed on can be a nice way to make the connection to the holiday a bit more personal.
Altars and Baskets
Home altars are quite common for those who celebrate Samhain. If you’re looking for a way to honor this celebration, then an altar might be a perfect fit. Those who don’t have enough time to build an altar might want to think about something less time-consuming. Since this time of year is also associated with the harvest, you can get a lot out of looking to the bounty of the season for a bit of inspiration. Bowls of gourds, dried husks, and other seasonal items help to capture the balance between life and death in a simple, stylish way.
What’s interesting is that many Halloween-related activities are also a part of Samhain. Jack-o’-lanterns, for example, are a perfect way to introduce younger audiences and children to Samhain. Carving the pumpkin can be fun, though some parents might not want their kids using sharp knives. Instead, consider taking the whole family out for a day of picking pumpkins and then painting them to create scary or silly images on each gourd.
Dark Rituals
Like Halloween, Samhain is an opportunity for many people to ruminate on the darker, more mysterious aspects of the human condition. Though you might not want to sit around thinking about dead relatives or dying gourds all day, there is something enriching for the soul to consider the brevity of life and how those who came before help to guide the way to the future. You don’t need to plunge too far into the deep end, but you can definitely flirt with danger to understand a bit more about yourself.
Samhain is a holiday that sees a great deal of worship among witches, pagans, and many others. To learn more about this holiday and how it is worshipped, do some research and discover how you might be able to get involved with local celebrations.