According to the Western Zodiac, people born between November 23rd and December 21st have the astrological sign of Sagittarius. Considered to be frank and courageous, those who are born under this sign are said to crave freedom and independence. The constellation of Sagittarius is said to depict Chiron, a centaur who was an archer and a mentor to the hero Achilles. Due to this connection, the Sagittarius symbol is often represented as an archer, though not always as a centaur. Still, people with this sign are said to have qualities of Chiron.
Those born during this time of year are often adventurous and yearn to see the world, often traveling great distances in their lifetimes. Explore some of these other interesting facts about the archer and see what you discover.
Growth and Humor
The Sagittarius is said to have a need to travel. This desire is not simply to see the world and interact with people of all walks; it also stems from an innate desire to grow and change. People born under this sign are said to have bouts of deep philosophical ponderings, often needing to apply these thoughts to real life and learn from new experiences. Since Sagittarians are considered very generous, they usually don’t have much difficulty making new friends wherever they decide to roam.
Many also think those born under the sign of Sagittarius have a good sense of humor. Witty and playful, someone with this sign is likely to try to get everyone in the room laughing. A Sagittarius is said to get immense joy out of the happiness of those in his or her surroundings. By keeping the jokes going and making the mood light, those born under this sign make great guests at parties and other large gatherings.
A Bit Direct
Naturally, there are also some negative attributes associated with the Sagittarius sign. Often, they are considered very direct and blunt individuals. They will speak what is on their minds and not consider how it might hurt other people. The need for freedom and travel can also make a Sagittarius feel trapped when confronted with certain rules or restrictions. Telling someone born under this sign what to do will often lead to a very tense situation. The desire to keep moving around can also make a Sagittarius seem flighty and inconsistent to those who crave stability.
Chiron, the centaur associated with this sign, was said to be wise, kind, and skilled in battle with his bow. This mix can easily be seen in the temperaments of Sagittarians. They will be giving and welcoming to all but will start to show more intense and cutting traits once provoked in the right ways. The duality of the traits in the Sagittarius matches the duality of Chiron, who was said to be a bridge between Earth and Heaven through his high intelligence and fierce battle skills.
A Good Judge of Character
Though they might need to control how blunt they are, Sagittarius are very honest people. Since they’re not telling any lies, they dislike when people around them start spouting untruths. This open-book nature also makes Sagittarians excellent judges of character. When first meeting new people, someone born under this sign is likely to get a good feel for their personalities within the first few minutes of the encounter. If you’re pretending to be something you’re not, the Sagittarius knows.
The story of Chiron the centaur is one that lives on in the Sagittarius. Upon his death, Chiron was said to have been placed amongst the stars by the gods and goddesses, who revered the wise archer. His final resting place is the constellation now known as Sagittarius. Those who are born under this sign are said to have his unique way of bridging Heaven and Earth through travel, honesty, and generosity.