Connecting with the season is important to a lot of pagan groups. Though rituals associated with pagan worship vary from region to region and person to person, there are plenty of shared beliefs. When summer comes along, it is common for practicing pagans to spend a great deal of time outdoors. This time is spent connecting with nature, enjoying the longer days, and making the most of a thriving world before the next winter comes along to spoil all the fun. Even if you’re not a practicing pagan, it can be helpful to adopt this mindset.
Make the most of the summer by connecting to the season with these simple summer activities and rituals. By getting outside and engaging with the world, you’re doing your part to really appreciate all the summer can bring.
Green Thumb
Some people enjoy celebrating the season by taking long, leisurely walks through the woods. Others like to bring the bounty of nature into their homes. A great way to make the most of the summer is by taking up an activity like gardening. Some people take to gardening right away, and others are likely to experience a little trial and error. No matter where you fall in regard to experience, you need to keep yourself motivated. Even when birds eat your seeds and your flowers wilt, you need to learn from your mistakes and continue.
Caring for a plant is an amazing way to learn patience and perseverance. You also will learn untold things about plants. If you really take to gardening, you might find yourself digging deep into topics like what kinds of herbs to grow and the right time to harvest berries as well as learning all sorts of esoteric, plant-based knowledge. Research will definitely help you throughout your gardening experience, so be sure to break out the books while also scouring the internet for tips and tricks on how to keep your space green.
Find a Sacred Spot
Every home has a spot or two that seems mysterious. Maybe it’s an entire floor of your house or a tree in the yard or maybe it’s just a small corner of a particular closet. Whether the space makes you feel nervous or relaxed, you may have thought once or twice about why those spots are so interesting. Some pagan circles believe areas like this are sacred in the sense that they produce some type of emotional reaction in you. Certain pagan groups also believe these spots are sacred to the fey, or faeries.
If you’re looking to connect to the summer, take time to pay respect to these important areas. Giving gifts to the fey can be a wonderful idea, especially if you have young children whom you want to imbue with a sense of wonder about the world. Gifts to the fey can follow any number of paths. Above all, pagan traditions state that the gift must be sincere and heartfelt. Insincerity with a gift can lead to the fey playing all sorts of tricks on people. To keep your fortunes favorable, make your gift count.
Food of the Earth
Indulging in the bounty of the season can also be a fantastic way to heed the summer. Throughout the season, a number of delicious and healthy fruits, veggies, and herbs are ripe for the picking. Find a farm or market and purchase a bunch of local produce to make a meal that came from your community.
To appreciate the summer in the way the pagans do, you need to take a moment to connect to the season. There are many activities that can get you moving and inspire you to get out of the house. Spend time outdoors and you’ll begin to see the beauty and wonder for yourself.