Recently, the spring equinox took place. This event marks the point at which the sun crosses the celestial equator. For both the northern and southern hemispheres, the spring equinox means the first day of spring has arrived. Of course, this doesn’t mean the days ahead will all be warm and sunny. Seasons often have slow transitions, and patience is a plus. Though cold days could still be on the horizon for many, now is a fantastic time to start thinking about how you can incorporate the spring season into your home.
It doesn’t matter if the winter’s chill is still lingering on the breeze; there are some easy and effective ways to bring the glory of the spring season indoors this season. Explore some of these options and see how you can make your home ready for the start of this time of year.
Go Green
As a season, spring is all about renewal. This is primarily because the spring season ushers in the start of a period of regrowth for many places. What better way to welcome the season into your home than by decorating your space with lots of greenery? Plants make a fantastic addition to living spaces, and research has suggested that people who live with plants are likely to feel less stressed and a bit happier just by being in close proximity to these verdant beauties.
Real plants are beneficial inside because they are said to help improve air quality in closed spaces by lowering carbon dioxide levels and keeping air temperatures down. Fake plants are not able to achieve these same goals but still have benefits. Experts believe that even adding fake, plastic plants into your home can make a positive difference because of the calming effect the color green can have on the mind. If you want a dash of spring in your home, explore what plant options await you!
Light and Breezy
Another simple way to welcome the spring into your home is by letting the sunshine in. Though the temperatures outside might not be ideal just yet, you can still see a huge difference in the atmosphere of your home by opening the curtains or blinds and allowing sunlight to flood into your living space. Not only can more sunlight benefit your feelings of wellness, the brightness can also infuse your home with a sense of cheerfulness that has been missing all winter long.
The beginning of a spring is a great time to consider home projects like redecorating or painting. If you want to harness all the season has to offer, consider painting your walls a lighter color. Shades of white can be a perfect fit, as this helps interior spaces feel larger than they actually are and even creates a sense of joy. If painting isn’t a possibility, you can achieve a similar sense of openness by placing mirrors on your walls in a way that reflects the daytime sunlight and allows it to fill your home.
“Spring cleaning” is no mere name. This season is the time to get rid of old junk that has accumulated in your home and prepare to welcome life back into your space. Before the days are long and warm, you may want to go through your storage spaces and weed out anything that’s simply taking up space. Purging at the start of the spring is also a great way to make room in your closet for the newest trends of the season.
The passing of the spring equinox marks the start of the warmer seasons. Before things are in full swing, be sure to prepare your home for all this season has to offer.