One does not have to be a self-proclaimed artist to benefit from a bit of creativity. In fact, most people could stand to stretch their creative muscles a bit more regularly. According to experts, creative thinkers tend to have an easier time solving complex problems, finding new solutions to old issues, communicating with a wide range of people, and lots more. Unfortunately, most people assume that you are either born with creativity or not. In reality, this is far from the truth and everyone has it within them to become more creative and imaginative.
Whether you’re looking to become better at problem-solving or you’re trying to find some serenity in your soul, there are many reasons to consider engaging with the more creative side of your spirit. Explore these tips on how to tap into this side of yourself and see what you can discover.
Take a Walk
This is going to sound too simple to be true, but the act of walking can do wonders for getting creative juices flowing. Scientific research has backed this claim up time and time again. According to various studies, walking helps to increase blood flow. This, in turn, is said to boost cognitive function. The scientific explanation for this is that walking may increase levels of important neurotrophic proteins in the brain that are thought to be incredibly crucial for staying alert, retaining memories, and more.
Walking is also said to be important for creativity because it creates a change of scene. When you spend all of your time at home, your mind tends to become used to your surroundings. This comfort can be nice, but it can also prevent your mind from operating at its best. By getting up and getting outside for a walk, you are changing your surroundings and changing things up for your brain. Plus, the exercise you get from the act of walking can also do wonders for improving your general health and wellness.
Allow Yourself To Feel Bored
Boredom has a way of driving even the sanest people a little bit crazy. When you feel boredom taking over your mind, you might try to fight it by being a productive person. This means you may try to occupy yourself by grabbing your phone or turning on the television to disappear into some entertainment. While there’s nothing wrong with this, per se, you also need to embrace the experience a bit without fighting it. By allowing yourself to feel bored, your mind starts to adapt in some incredibly helpful ways.
Research suggests that boredom has a way of activating the part of the brain responsible for daydreaming. This helps the mind to start formulating new ideas in its search for some form of stimulation. While you might not come up with a winning idea in this moment, the creative impulses you feel while dealing with a bout of boredom can help to inspire you to actually take action and try something new. The next time you feel bored, fight the urge to zone into social media and see what this feeling can do for your ability to think.
Create and Generate
Another way to feel more creative is to come up with a lot of bad ideas. Seriously. The more you try to generate new ideas, the easier it becomes for one of those ideas to be sensational. Unfortunately, you need to keep coming up with bad ideas in order to get to the one fantastic one. Don’t be disheartened by bad ideas or what you perceive as “failure.” The more you try and push yourself, the better your ideas will become over the course of time.
Creativity is not meant exclusively for artists and visionaries. Tap into your creative spirit in a way that works for you, and learn how to hone your abilities.