For thousands of years, humans have gazed up at the moon in wonder. Fascinated by its phases, luminous look, and apparent effects on nature, we’ve developed complex mythologies around this pale satellite in our skies. It’s also played a huge role in astrology, representing our emotions, egos, and even our spiritual development. Yet another astrological point, the Black Moon Lilith, may reveal what is normally hidden within the deepest parts of our selves.
The Moon’s Elliptical Orbit
How do astrologers find the Black Moon Lilith in a natal chart? To help answer this question, you need to understand a few basic details about the moon’s orbit. As Space.com explains, orbits are described as ellipses rather than circles. The eccentricity, or the amount of curvature deviation, determines whether an orbit is elongated or more like a perfect circle. For instance, Venus has an orbital eccentricity of 0.007, making it almost completely circular. Mercury’s is far more elliptical, with an eccentricity of 0.206.
Because of the eccentricity value in a celestial body’s orbit, it doesn’t always maintain the exact same distance from its gravitational center. As a result, there are points in that orbit in which the object is either the closest to or the farthest from its focal point. EarthSky’s Bruce McClure clarifies that these points in the moon’s orbit around Earth are respectively called its perigee and apogee.
A Fascinating and Enigmatic Figure
The Black Moon Lilith is signified by a black crescent moon with a cross attached to the bottom. In natal charts, it can look like a small black sickle. This moon symbolism is appropriate, considering the existing mythologies about Lilith herself. Some believed that she was originally a Sumerian storm spirit or a handmaid of Inanna, the Sumerian goddess of love and war. Mesopotamian folklore depicted her as a mother of demons who threatened newborns. The Alphabet of Ben Sirach, a medieval era text, recounts a story in which Lilith was originally Adam’s first wife but left after refusing to be subservient to him.
Deciphering Your Dark Moon
Knowing the moon’s apogee is vital to discovering the Black Moon Lilith in a natal chart. According to Astrodienst, some associate it with the apogee point itself while others mention it as a hypothetical focal point between the Earth and the moon at apogee. Writing for The Hoodwitch, Amelia Quint states that it represents the cosmic void and its disruptive and provocative forces. It signifies more taboo human qualities such as lust, over sexuality and anger. Depending on its placement, it can produce a sharp wit, radical artistic approaches, or sexuality that challenges the status quo.
Since the Black Moon Lilith’s energies have been generally labeled as feminine, some astrologers argue that embracing them is a feminist act. Yet they emphasize that it may impact outcomes regardless of an individual’s gender. Quint mentions celebrities with prominent Black Moon Lilith placements who’ve made a lasting mark on our culture, such as Malcolm X, Kanye West, Tina Fey, Ursula Le Guin, Ian McKellen, and Nicki Minaj.
Astrologers evaluate how a celestial body’s or point’s effects combine with the native energies of its placements. AstroCodex discusses how the Black Moon Lilith manifests in horoscope houses, while Cafe Astrology breaks down their effects within zodiac signs. Wherever it’s found, it may lend darker aspects or suggest areas in our lives where we feel deep shame, repression, or ridicule.
Uncovering What Lies Hidden
With so many sparse details hinting at both strength and rebellion, Lilith’s mythology still captivates us today. It’s no surprise that she’s associated with these energies, which are thought to manifest in one’s natal chart through the Black Moon Lilith. This astrological point isn’t the only one credited with exerting rebellious influences, but it’s worth examining to understand the shadowy aspects of ourselves.