As the warm winds of summer begin to fade, people all over are preparing to welcome the autumn. The fall is a season of transition. The long days and hot rays of sunshine will soon give way to crisp air and colorful foliage. Embracing this change and celebrating the autumn can be a lovely way to prepare yourself and your home for the arriving season. There are a number of simple and effective ideas you can consider when you are looking to open yourself up to all that this time of year can bring to your life.
Explore these suggestions on how to welcome the fall. Finding your own way to enjoy the start of autumn can help you feel more connected to the season’s arrival.
Slow Down
During the summer, people tend to move around a lot. From vacations to beach trips, there are countless ways to get outside and take advantage of the warm weather. Of course, this also means that you are probably taking on a lot of stress from constantly staying active. The arrival of autumn is a reminder to slow down. It may seem like you need to take advantage of the fading days of summer while you still can, but this will only burn you out and make you feel scattered as the seasons shift.
One of the best ways to slow down and enjoy the arrival of the fall is by stepping outside on an evening when the temperature is just starting to drop. The cool air of the coming night can be invigorating and make you feel happy you have a cozy home to disappear into. Engage in a leisurely activity like reading a book or chatting over a meal with loved ones. These slow, deliberate actions can help you feel ready for a season where the pace has been reduced significantly.
Observe the World
Welcoming the arrival of autumn is all about taking note of what this season brings to the world. Where once the trees were bursting with colorful blossoms and leafy greens, now they are shifting into fiery tones of orange and red. Though beautiful, this shift in color is a sign that the leaves are dying and ready to fall from the branch. There is a lot of symbolism to be found in this change. Think about your own life and how it mirrors that which you are observing in the natural world.
Reflect on how you have changed since the autumn of the previous year. What “leaves” do you feel you need to shed from your own branches in order to feel ready for the coming winter? The spring of next year will bring new leaves and new life. Until then, it is important to think about all you have gained and lost. Autumn can be a lovely season for reflecting and thinking about what adjustments you need to make before the end of the year arrives.
Do Seasonal Activities
Autumn also comes with a ton of unique activities that can help you feel excited about the season. Everywhere you go, cafes will be selling pumpkin spiced lattes and people will be donning sweaters and boots. You can go on a hayride or decorate your home with golden gourds and pumpkins to really feel like you are diving into the season in an exciting and appropriate way.
Welcoming a new season is all about saying goodbye to the previous one and opening yourself up to what the future will bring. From engaging in autumn activities to observing the simple shifts in nature, there are many ways to feel connected. Find an option that works best and feel excited for whatever awaits you in the coming season.