Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, following behind Christianity and Islam. Still, a vast majority of followers of Hinduism live in India. Though there are followers all over the planet, many Westerners do not know what the religion encompasses or how exactly it differs from their own faiths. In truth, Hinduism is a very old religion that has made its mark on everything from film to cuisine to clothing. To understand how, it can be a good idea to explore some fascinating facts surrounding this system of belief.
Give yourself a moment to look over some of these details about Hinduism. With a little research, you’ll start to understand some of the basic tenets of this ancient system of belief.
The Passage of Time
Religions in the modern age may be viewed as focused on spirituality, but that was not always the case. In truth, most religions exist because cultures needed them to add meaning or explanation to everyday occurrences. This is why Greek and Roman deities all embodied simple concepts found in nature: Zeus made lightning, Aphrodite caused people to fall in love at random, etc. One concept most religions try to explain in one way or another is the procession of time. For Hindus, the idea of time is slightly different than how most Westerners perceive the construct.
Under Hinduism, time is perceived as being circular, rather than linear in the way many people believe it to be today. This is not a random concept, either, but one built on some very important foundations of the religion. Hindus believe time moves similar to the hands of a clock across its face, passing through each of the “four ages.” Each time Kali Yuga, the final age, comes about, it is followed by a period of rebirth with Satya Yuga, also known as the Golden Age of Innocence. This is one dramatic way that Hinduism varies from many other beliefs.
Go for the Gold
A number of modern religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam center around the idea that the pursuit of wealth is an empty and pointless one. The idea is that “you can’t take it with you” into the afterlife. Still, despite these teachings, there are plenty of followers of these religions who preach the message and still act upon greedy impulses. Hindus, on the other hand, do not have this philosophy. The opposite is, in fact, true. The pursuit of wealth is considered a noble and important quest.
The appreciation for finer, more expensive things has been depicted in a lot of artwork stemming from India over the years. In fact, the goddess Lakshmi is the deity associated with wealth and is often portrayed in a manner that is both decadent and flashy. For followers, the idea of wealth is not simply referring to physical possessions. Spiritual wealth is also important, and it is considered vital for all people to pursue lives where they can feel rich in their spiritual lives.
An Equal Playing Field
Most people are aware of the fact that Hinduism is a polytheistic religion. While exact worship varies from community to community, and even person to person, there are a few common guidelines. One big difference between Hinduism and other religions is that Hindus worship male and female deities with the same level of respect. Most of these deities also have multiple aspects, meaning they have different names but are considered the same deity in the religion, just “showing a different face.”
Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest and most practiced religions, though it is still one non-worshipers struggle to understand. To learn more, do your research and discover what this ancient system of belief is all about.