In recent years, a lot of attention has been drawn to transcendental meditation. Often referred to as TM, this form of meditation has been talked about by entertainers ranging from comedian Jerry Seinfeld to director David Lynch. Everyone who promotes this daily practice states that it has a number of benefits to mental, physical, and spiritual health. If you’re curious about how it works and what advantages it may have for your health, now is a great time to look into the details and see how you can incorporate the simple practice into your daily routine.
Understanding the Concept
Meditation can take many forms. While many people are familiar with the general idea, it is not always as straightforward as it can seem. With TM, the basic idea is to allow the mind to become clear of thoughts by pushing them away with a mantra. The practice was first developed back in the 1950s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who spread the idea around India. As the practice began to grow in popularity, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi went on a number of tours around the world to promote the benefits of meditating in this way.
By the 1960s, a number of Americans had become familiar with TM and it started to find popularity in certain circles in the arts, entertainment, and holistic medicine fields. While many different forms of meditation rely on a mantra, there are key differences with how mantras are used in transcendental practices. The mantra will differ from person to person and is meant to be chanted internally or “without sound.” In a number of cases, an instructor will personalize a mantra based on the unique needs of a student looking to get involved with TM.
How To Meditate
Some people suggest visiting an instructor in order to get the maximum benefits from transcendental meditation. Still, you can definitely take on the task on your own. The idea is very simple. You will select a mantra that you will repeat in your head when needed. Then you will find a comfortable place to sit for 20 minutes. Some suggest sitting in a chair with both feet on the ground as opposed to sitting on the ground with your legs crossed. The main purpose is to be comfortable and not focused on your body’s position throughout the experience.
Close your eyes for a moment, then open them again. After this, you will close your eyes for the duration of the session. You want to sit for 20 minutes and try to keep your mind free from thought. When you feel thoughts begin to form, you will repeat your mantra in your mind as a way of pushing back against them. Though you might find it difficult at first, practice will help you clear your mind in a way that allows you to reap the benefits of this form of meditating.
Benefits of Transcendental Meditation
There are a number of reported benefits that come along with TM. For one, many people have stated that involving themselves in at least two sessions of transcendental meditation a day can help them feel less anxious or stressed. Others have reported this act has provided them with the energy needed to conquer a day and more restful feelings than a full night’s sleep. While studies have been conducted, it is hard to repeat findings between individuals, and it can be difficult to know exactly what benefits you can expect.
If you are looking to get involved with meditation, now is a great time to start. Explore the details of involving yourself with transcendental meditation , and see what it will take for you to find the peace of mind that you deserve.