Samhain is around the corner, which means now is a wonderful time to think about how you plan on celebrating. For those who don’t know what this event is, Samhain is an ancient Gaelic festival that marked the end of the harvest period. Nowadays, the holiday is observed by pagans all over the world. It falls on October 31st each year, but there are plenty of groups that celebrate it a bit earlier or later. Take a look at these ideas to find the best way for you to enjoy this celebration for yourself.
Visit Departed Loved Ones
Though a lot of the traditions surrounding Samhain have to do with the bounty of the season, a number are also related to the deceased. Much like Halloween in America and Día de los Muertos in Mexico, Samhain is an event that is connected to the spiritual world. Many people observe this holiday by visiting cemeteries where loved ones are buried. The idea is to pay your respects to your departed ancestors. Remember that you are a link in a greater chain, and you are honoring all of the sturdy links that came before you.
Reflect on Your Life
Samhain is also a time of reflection. Just as the harvest marks the period before the start of the winter, this holiday serves as a moment to pause and reflect on the warmer seasons. During the spring and summer, you likely spent a lot of your time living your life to the fullest with outdoor activities and other engaging tasks. With winter on the horizon, you want to think back and process what you learned during the previous seasons. Reflect, learn from what you’ve experienced, and apply what you’ve learned to decisions moving forward.
Make a Meal
As with most holidays, one of the best ways to feel connected to Samhain is by being in the kitchen. There are a number of wonderful dishes you can make to get into the spirit of the season. Common flavors connected to the holiday include sage, allspice and pine. Create a culinary dish that infuses these herbs with the bounty of the autumn. Invite friends and family members over, and share the meal with all. This is a simple way to enjoy the celebration with people you care about.
Create an Altar
As with many pagan traditions, creating an altar can serve as a wonderful way to observe this holiday. An altar should contain objects of personal and seasonal significance. Since Samhain is about respecting the dead and honoring the bounty of the season, consider adding items like animal bones, pinecones, gourds, or personal items of a departed loved one. Light a few candles around the altar, and say a prayer whenever you feel so inclined. The altar is meant to hold meaning to you, so you can adjust it however you see fit.
Find a Group
While you may be interested in celebrating this holiday, you may find yourself struggling to locate people to join in on the fun. If your friends and loved ones are not open to new or unfamiliar experiences, you may feel like you are on your own in your desire to honor the event. Instead, think about looking online for pagan groups that might be holding events. By reaching out, you may be able to discover a network of people in your area that you did not know existed.
As the autumn winds down and the winter appears on the horizon, honoring certain events can be important. If you are curious about Samhain, now is the time to create a plan. Determine the best way to celebrate, and see how the holiday can enrich your life and help you appreciate what has come before.