Meditation can be a wonderful way for you to clear your mind and find a sense of serenity within. Of course, for many people it is also a challenge. You might not be able to figure out how to relax when you’re trying to meditate. Plenty of people run into obstacles like this. In order for you to get more out of your experience, it can be helpful to look for some advice. Making a few simple changes might be all you need to see a difference when it comes to your success with meditation.
Take a moment to look over some of these suggestions. Find which ideas work for you, and get started on improving the way you meditate.
If you’ve ever read an article about meditation before, then you most likely have heard how important breathing is. People all over suggest that you focus on breathing in order to produce the best possible results. While this is good advice, it also can be problematic for many people. When told to focus on breathing, many people might become too focused on the task. Since breathing is involuntary, focusing on it can cause it to become disrupted and produce the exact opposite effect meditation aims to create.
Instead of focusing on your breathing, try to ignore it. Simply breathe. Take air into your lungs slowly and let it out slowly. Try not to think too much about the way you’re breathing, how much air you’re taking in, or anything like that. You’ll know you have slipped into a comfortable pace when you start to feel a sense of calm wash over you. By refocusing your attention while drawing breath, you might have an easier time seeing success with your efforts.
Smaller Is Better
There are also many people who think that successful meditation is all about the duration of each session. Some people can meditate for hours on end, which can seem like an impressive feat for those who are just starting out. In truth, being able to sit still in a meditative pose for this length of time is far from the norm. Most people have busy lives that prevent them from maintaining one position for this long, but that doesn’t mean that their efforts are any less successful than those who choose to sit for longer durations.
When you are first starting out, it is best to meditate for short periods of time. In fact, the first time you try, it should be a very brief affair. Fifteen minutes can be enough to get yourself into the daily habit. As time moves on, feel free to increase the duration of each session. When you become more adept at sitting still for longer periods, meditating for longer will become a natural transition. Don’t force yourself to sit for too long, or else you might be setting yourself up for failure.
Your Mind Will Wander
Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself when your mind starts to wander. People who are just beginning with meditative practices often feel upset when their thoughts meander. The human mind can be difficult to control, and you’re not always going to be able to keep your thoughts in check. Allow your mind to wander, notice with compassion and redirect your thoughts with positivity. Don’t beat yourself up over this, as feeling bad about meditation will only make the process harder.
Meditation can be a phenomenal way to relax and find a sense of peace within yourself. Remember, there is no perfect way to perform this practice. As long as you follow a path that is true to yourself, it will be a lot easier to clear your mind and indulge in serenity.