There’s a lot to be said for the summer months. For a large chunk of the world, this is the season where the chill of the winter is a thing of the past. It is the time of year to step outside, greet the sun, and bask in the warm glow of possibility offered by the light. Getting a dose of the outdoors is an excellent way to enjoy this time of year. For centuries, various pagan groups have indulged in a variety of rituals and activities to pay heed to the summer and show appreciation for the season. While you may not be pagan, pagan rituals can be fun! Consider honoring the summer in your own unique way.
Pagan Ritual 1: Greet the Sun
For many pagan groups, the most important aspect of any ritual is the experience. When you are present in the moment and engaged with the world using all of your senses, the world feels visceral. The summer can make this engagement a lot more rewarding, as the season tends to lend itself to outdoor adventures. Since the sun is a focal point, it makes sense that many of the pagan traditions surrounding this time of year have to do with basking in its warmth.
One of the easiest ways to engage with the season is by sunbathing. Step outside on a particularly bright day. Stand in the light as it pours down from the sky. Let the warm rays wash over your body. Allow yourself to be present in the moment. Enjoy the heat as it warms your skin. The process can be meditative, if you so desire, or it can be as simple as going into your backyard to tan for a bit. Enjoy the sunshine in whatever way suits you.
Pagan Ritual 2: Sit by the Fire
While the daytime lends itself to the pagan rituals of the season, there are plenty of activities you can explore during the nighttime. After the sun has set, lighting a fire can be a wonderful option for inviting the warmth into the darkness. There are a number of different ways to go about this. For some pagans, this ritual is as simple as going home after a long day of work and lighting a few candles around the house. Other people like to get a bit more in-depth with their exploration.
If you live in an area where this is permitted, consider lighting an outdoor fire. In some places, like California, you can start a bonfire on the beach and invite all of your friends to come and partake in the festivities and dance around the flame until dawn. Those who live in suburban areas might find it nice to light a small blaze in a fire pit. This is a small, contained way to enjoy the soft glow of the fire without having to haul yourself to the beach or fill out permits.
Pagan Ritual 3: Forage
Another way to get outside and appreciate the summer is by trying your hand at foraging. The summer months are ideal for nature, as the seasonal rains tend to make the landscape lush now and again. After a storm, head outside and search for mushrooms, herbs, flowers, or whatever else you’d like to collect. Just make sure that you are foraging where it’s legal, as some places prohibit the picking of plants or collecting other items. Use the herbs in your cooking or arrange the flowers in a vase for your living room. Foraging can bring the season’s bounty indoors for you to appreciate.
The summer is a wonderful time to head outdoors and discover rituals to show honor to the season. Discover activities that work for you and indulge in all the summer has to offer.