To an astrologer, birth charts contain a lot of useful and relevant data such as planet, asteroid, and node positions. Celestial bodies’ relationships with each other also tell important stories about an individual’s personality and life path. Understanding planetary aspects can help you unpack astrologer-speak and understand what they mean in your own chart.
What Is a Planetary Aspect?
Planets regularly fall into positions that form mathematical angles. Astrologers call these angles aspects, and they define how two or more planets influence each other. Aspects are generally described as either “soft” or “hard.” Soft aspects include the conjunct, sextile, and trine, but hard aspects encompass the semi-sextile, square, quincunx, and opposition. Most of these formations in a natal chart contain only two planets. AstroStyle offers a straightforward explanation about how planetary aspects work:
- Conjuncts blend two bodies’ energies, as they inhabit the same sign.
- Semi-sextiles indicate friction–the planets are one sign away from each other.
- Sextiles signify cooperation. The planets are positioned two signs apart.
- Squares signal tension and conflict. The celestial bodies are three signs apart.
- Trines signify harmony. Their planets are located four signs apart.
- Quincunxes may indicate awkwardness and discord, and their planets are positioned five signs apart.
- Oppositions bring polarity and balance, as their planets appear six signs apart.
All of these are major aspects except for the semi-sextile. The AstroWiki points out that the major, or Ptolemaic, aspects are primarily used when interpreting a chart, while the minor aspects can impart additional details. Some astrologers do not work with the minor ones and prefer to focus mostly on the conjunct, sextile, square, trine, and opposition aspects.
Multi-Planet Formations in the Chart
A few aspects involve the alignment of three or more planets. Cafe Astrology defines a few of these, including the T-Square, Grand Cross, Grand Trine, and Yod. A T-Square occurs when three planets are positioned at 90-degree angles from each other, forming the letter T. A Grand Cross results from four planets locked into 90-degree angles, creating a square formation in which the planets’ points also form a cross. The Grand Trine results when three trines come together, and the planets compose an equilateral triangle across the natal chart. The Yod, also known as the Finger of Fate, occurs when planets create an isosceles triangle.
T-Square and Grand Crosses may point to conflict or gridlock between their planets, while a Grand Trine usually signifies harmonious cooperation between the planets’ energies. A Yod can mean one of two things: either significant forces working behind the scenes or a major challenge that must be overcome.
What Do Planetary Aspects Mean?
The keys to interpreting aspects lie in the type and planets involved. Let’s examine a sun-moon trine with the sun in Leo, for example. Since these two bodies are four signs apart, that places this person’s moon in Aries. With the sun representing one’s will, mind, and ego and the moon denoting emotions and deepest inner selves, this particular trine can express a balance between the two.
On the other hand, a T-Square involving the sun in Leo, the moon in Scorpio, and Saturn in Aquarius proves to be more complex. The Scorpio Moon squares both the Leo Sun and the Aquarian Saturn, making it the apex. This can suggest intense emotions that this individual isn’t divulging to others, creating tension with the sun in Leo’s warm and energetic outlook and the Aquarian Saturn’s willingness to share knowledge and drive meaningful changes in the world.
Fascinating Knowledge and Insights
Planetary aspects add richer detail when discerning an individual’s natal chart. Some are thought to bring beneficial influences, while others result in complicated and challenging situations. Either way, these aspects can aid in a person’s development and present opportunities for growth.