Buddhism is one of the most well-known religions around the world. Though it is not practiced in the West in the same way it is in the East, the belief has gained a strong following all over the planet. Still, there are a number of misconceptions about Buddhism that can confuse people or cause them to make incorrect assumptions. In order to better understand this ancient religion and how it is practiced in the modern world, read on.
Buddha Is a Title
Perhaps one of the biggest points of confusion surrounding Buddhism has to do with the figure of Buddha. The popular understanding among Western cultures is that Buddha is a prominent figure much in the same way as Jesus or Moses. While this is true to a degree, what most people do not understand is that “Buddha” is actually a title. Translated from Sanskrit, “Buddha” loosely means “awakened one” or “enlightened one.” The actual name of the first person to be referred to as Buddha is Siddhartha Gautama, and his teachings are what many Buddhists follow today.
No Centralized Text
Abrahamic religions like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism all seem quite different to Westerners. Still, all three of these belief systems stem from the same region and follow very similar practices. Each religion, for example, has a centralized text that followers refer to in order to gain a more in-depth understanding of the core concepts of their faith. In Buddhism, however, there is no specific text that followers adhere to. While there are some important books that Buddhists may read, they are not used in the same way the Bible is used in Christian practices.
No Specific Gods
Another interesting distinction between Buddhism and other major religions is the absence of gods or goddesses. While no specific gods are prayed to or worshiped outright, Buddhists still tend to gravitate around a few core concepts. Most believe that nothing is permanent, that it is always possible to change one’s life, and that each action taken has a consequence. While most sects of Buddhism will vary in certain beliefs, these are the core concepts found across most.
Discover Happiness
Though the actual details are a bit more complicated, the core concept behind Buddhism is to eliminate human suffering and find a path to contentment in life. One of the main messages passed through Buddhist teachings is that acquiring happiness comes down to “wanting what you have and not wanting what you do not have.” The idea is to learn to kill desire. By constantly wanting what you lack, you are never truly living in the moment. This, in turn, creates suffering in the form of longing for a “satisfied” state that is impossible to truly achieve through owning possessions.
Other Religions
Interestingly, the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama has been considered something of a holy figure in other major religions of the world. Gautama was said to be raised in the Hindu belief system, which was, and still is one of the largest religions of the world. Since Hinduism is a theistic religion, Buddha earned a place as a figure of worship due to his deep spiritual teachings. Interestingly, Buddha was also canonized as a saint in both the Catholic and Orthodox churches and has been considered a “Christ-like” figure to many Christian monks and theologians.
Though Buddhism has been a well-known system of belief around the world for untold years, plenty of people still get confused when it comes to the intricacies of how the religion operates. If you’re curious to learn more about Buddhism, take time to research the details and see how much you actually know about it.