Cabin fever has a way of taking hold the longer a person is trapped indoors. Whether you find yourself alone or with family members or roommates, you may find it difficult to collect your thoughts or feel spiritually sound. Unfortunately, failing to address this issue can cause it to build and create more serious emotional, spiritual, or psychological problems. While having to stay inside might create a tense situation, there are a number of ways for you to clear your mind and discover a bit of serenity. Follow these tips and see what works for you.
Clean the Clutter
One of the easiest ways to feel scattered when you’re stuck inside is by living in a cluttered environment. Normally, the ebb and flow of your life can keep you away from simple tasks like cleaning and organizing. When you’re stuck inside, however, you’re confronted with everything at once, and these little responsibilities can seem like unconquerable monsters. To best your demons and stop feeling so stressed at home, go through storage spaces and get rid of what no longer serves a purpose in your life.
Pursue Your Passions
Have you always wanted to learn a second language or how to play the piano? Plenty of people lament a lack of time when it comes to pursuing specific passions. Being stuck inside provides you with the luxury of time. This is the opportunity to commit to these goals and see if you can make your “somedays” into “today.” What makes this even easier is you can download apps that help you learn everything from languages to music to coding. Put your time to good use, and it can help you develop a new sense of purpose.
Relax and Unwind
The frustrations caused by being trapped indoors are usually pointless when put under scrutiny. You’re stuck inside and you can’t go out, so why gripe? If you find yourself fixating on your situation and not how to improve it, you might benefit from relaxing a bit. Kick back on the couch and watch that Netflix series you’ve been putting off for years. Read a book or thumb through old magazines and comic books to spark some joy in your soul. Allowing yourself time to do absolutely nothing can really improve your mood.
You might also feel stressed when you’re stuck inside because you’re on your phone the entire time. If you’re endlessly scrolling through social media feeds and thinking about all of the fun you had the last time you were with friends in public, you’re allowing nostalgia to ruin your mood. Though entertainment options can feel limited when you can’t go outside for long, unplugging yourself from your phone and other devices can help you recharge and feel refreshed. Call a friend on the phone and have a meaningful interaction instead of reading what’s on your timeline.
Move Around
Restlessness can come about when you lack a way to properly channel your energy. If you can’t go to the gym the way you usually do, then you might start feeling stir crazy. Thankfully, you don’t need to go to the gym or even outside to be physical. Do yoga in your living room or crank your favorite tunes and dance wildly around your bedroom. These small actions might not seem like much, but they can be a surefire cure for the idle sense that comes along with long hours trapped inside.
Making the most of a bad situation is definitely not as easy as it sounds. But as long as you find ways to occupy your mind and body, you can rid your spirit of stress and clear your mind. Soon enough, you’ll get through this period without feeling like you’re going off the deep end.