Though organized religion has long been the most dominant channel used by people looking to get in touch with a higher power, it is far from the only way to exhibit a spiritual side. For countless people across the world, religion is more of a personal experience than a shared one. If this is how you prefer to connect with your spiritual side, you may wonder how to take your practice to the next level. One interesting idea to consider is creating an altar. A popular fixture in many religions, an altar provides a dedicated space for your spiritual pursuits.
Getting Started on Your Altar
The beauty of an altar is that it can be used regardless of your specific spiritual beliefs. All you need to begin is a surface that is free of clutter. You can utilize anything from a tablet, to a bookshelf, to a storage cube. It is helpful if the surface you select remains in the same place at all times, as consistency with location can help create repeatable rituals. Next, find a blanket, scarf, or piece of fabric you can use to drape over the surface and add a bit of color or personality to the structure.
Spiritual Items for Your Altar
After your altar has been established, it is time to consider what you would like to place on the surface. Think about your spiritual beliefs and what physical items come to mind. For some, it might be a picture or interpretation of a religious figure like Jesus or Buddha. Those who find meaning in nature could include sprigs of local plants, flower blossoms, berries, or whatever seems to be plentiful during the current season. You do not need to overload the altar at first. Some find it helpful to begin with a few small items and add to it later.
Fire and Light
A source of fire or light is another popular choice to place on your altar. The most commonplace example of this would be a candle. Lighting a candle and saying a prayer or reflecting on your thoughts in front of your space can be a meditative practice. However, there are many living situations in which you can’t have an open flame. Electric candles can be a simple alternative, or you can get creative. Hang string lights around the altar to create a calming ambience, or use a Himalayan salt lamp to cultivate a warm glow that nourishes your spirit.
Sensory Experiences
Finding ways to get in touch with all of your senses can also be useful. Scent is said to be the strongest sense connected to memory. If your goal is to reflect on the past while sitting before your altar, light incense or a scented candle that reminds you of a specific period in your life. Items that focus on tactile senses are also worth a thought. A stone that feels comforting in your hand is perfect, as you can pick it up and reproduce this sensation while engaged in spiritual pursuits.
Transitions and the Future
Though it is useful for your altar to stay in a fixed position in your home, it should change in other ways. Transitions are a part of life. Just as one season passes into the next, so too do different phases of life begin and end. Commemorate these moments by making adjustments to your altar. A simple way of approaching this is by changing it each season. A more focused approach is to add and remove items as the spirit moves you. There might also come times when your life feels stagnant and redoing your altar helps you feel in control.
An altar is an easy way to create a consistent spot for you to engage in your spiritual pursuits. While ideas have been provided, feel free to go about the creation of yours in whatever way makes the most sense for you.