Meditation can be a wonderful way to get in touch with yourself on a deeper level. Depending on how you go about it, the decision to meditate can lead to a number of lasting benefits. Of course, not everyone feels comfortable sitting in silence for a prolonged period of time. If you’re interested in this practice, there are a number of unique ways to get yourself started. Consider these options to find a method that helps you feel centered during times of uncertainty.
Different Types of Meditation Ideas
First, it is important to understand that different meditation ideas can have different objectives. While there is an overarching theme of being calm, collected, and centered, the specific type of practice you follow will be focused in particular ways. When selecting a type of meditation, it can be helpful to choose an option that helps you reach specific goals.
Kindness Meditation
Have you ever allowed yourself to be overcome by feelings of frustration and anger when you knew better? Emotional responses are heavily tied to how you feel on a particular day and are often dictated by the experiences you’ve had lately. Someone going through a breakup, for example, might be annoyed by questions from a friend who is otherwise pleasant. In this scenario, “kindness meditation” can be helpful. This practice involves sitting in a comfortable space, closing your eyes, and focusing on positive thoughts. Those who practice this say it can help a person be gentler during difficult emotional days.
Mindfulness Meditation
Life has a way of distracting the mind. From demanding jobs to personal obligations, you likely spend a good part of your day thinking about events on the horizon or in the past. Sadly, this makes you less mindful in the moment. Mindfulness meditation aims to help a person live in the present. The act involves taking time to look at your immediate surroundings and take note of where you are. By observing the physical world, you’re helping to pull yourself out of your mind. Best of all, you can practice this anywhere, whether you’re shopping or hanging with friends.
Breathing is an involuntary action of the body. While you can stop and control your breath willingly, your lungs keep functioning in order to keep you alive regardless of your awareness. Still, studies have shown that healthy breathing patterns are hard to come by in adults. Stress, trauma, and hectic schedules can cause you to breathe at a pace that reduces the way your body performs. Breathing meditation involves actively focusing on your breath so that you can take control and find a comfortable, calming rate. With practice, your body will begin to acclimate and positively adjust your subconscious breathing.
Transcendence Meditation
Meditation isn’t always about the physical world. Many people practice transcendental meditation to get in touch with a higher plane of existence. This type of meditation involves sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the ground and repeating a predetermined mantra in your mind. The aim is to create a heightened state of awareness of both the external world and the rich inner world of the mind and spirit. While you can select your own mantra, many experts suggest working with a professional to pick the most appropriate phrase to guide your journey.
Practice Makes Perfect
One doesn’t reap the benefits of any of these meditation ideas in a single day. To experience lasting results, you must engage with your chosen practice regularly. Many people struggle at first to quiet and focus the mind. It might take a concerted effort for you to sink into the habit and push away any doubts you have. Once you start to feel truly comfortable, it will be easier to take advantage of the profound ways these meditation ideas can shape your life.