
17Mar, 2022

Explore Personal Growth Through Spirituality

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Find what works for you and reach your goals for how to explore personal growth through spirituality.

Personal growth is an ongoing battle for most people. By adapting to the changes that life has brought your way, you can find healthier ways of handling the stress of existence. Naturally, a bit of help can go a long way during this journey. To see success, try exploring your growth from a spiritual perspective. By incorporating a few time-tested practices popular in various spiritual circles, you can discover a variety of new concepts and develop a more robust sense of self. Consider these suggestions to find what works best for you.

Reflect Through Meditation

Meditation is a longstanding activity that appears in various spiritual systems around the planet. Though it can be used for a variety of purposes, you’ll want to focus meditation on reflection to explore personal growth through spirituality. This can be tricky at first, as you might have a difficult time distinguishing between quiet reflection and self-deprecating thoughts. As you sit and think about your actions over recent days, try to distance yourself from the thoughts. Being slightly removed can help you feel less of an emotional response and offer some clarity on the why and how of the moment.

For example, maybe you got into a fight with your significant other and said a few things you regret. While meditating, try not to get bogged down by your remorse over the words you chose. Instead, focus on why you had the reaction you did and how you can make the situation better with your partner. Your emotional responses are all you really have control over most of the time. By taking a path of personal growth, you’ll discover how to best acknowledge and utilize your emotions instead of only reacting. 

Feed Your Mind

Reading is another activity that is often promoted across different spiritual circles. While the act itself can be beneficial, it is also crucial to consider the content of what you read. Books that challenge your current way of thinking will be far more beneficial than stories that simply reinforce what you already believe to be true. By shaking up your beliefs and introducing yourself to a variety of perspectives, you can discover new truths about the world and restructure your own point of view based on what you’ve come to know.

You don’t have to limit yourself to spiritual books, either. While you might find it helpful to read from a sacred text or book by a prolific religious author, you should remain open to whatever catches your attention. A work of fiction can offer you just as many interesting revelations as any other type of book. As long as a piece of writing appeals to you in some way, use the act of reading as an escape for spiritual and personal growth. 

Simplify Your Environment

Plenty of activities don’t seem spiritual in nature but can offer incredible insight. Decluttering and organizing your living environment, for example, is an amazing way to get in touch with your spiritual side. A crowded home can make you feel anxious or irritated. By dedicating time to condensing and eliminating a good portion of this clutter, you can find a sense of peace that helps you easily move beyond slight irritations. The less you sweat the small stuff, the easier it is to feel consistently content and grow from your experiences. 

Though personal growth is a process that you will explore over the course of your entire life, it can be useful to approach the task from a variety of angles. By viewing your growth from a spiritual perspective, you can engage with a variety of rituals and activities meant to offer clarity and serenity. Find what works for you and reach your goals for how to explore personal growth through spirituality. 

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