Though marriage is an old tradition, it is a tea steeped in far more ancient waters. Human nature demands some type of companionship. Romantic love aside, the nourishment provided by the love shared with family and friends is impossible to deny. Marriage is an invention of society, but the need to come together is a tale of the human spirit. With the recent years being ones when many people have learned to love from a distance, now is a great time to explore examples of the strength of humanity’s need to connect.
No matter the circumstances or period in history, couples always find ways to express how they feel. Learn from these instances, and discover just how far some have gone for love.
Love, Death, and Marriage–in That Order
Though Mark Twain made the idea of faking one’s own death curious and funny through his stories about Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, the theme is one that has persisted throughout history. Shakespeare told endless tales of tragedy and romance, most famously when Romeo and Juliet got their messages crossed and both ended up dead. It should come as no surprise that adding a touch of one’s mortality to the mix can bring an element of excitement to a relationship.
In 2012, a Russian man named Alexy Byvok decided to take this idea to the extreme. Byvok staged an elaborate ruse wherein he faked his own death for his girlfriend as he was proposing to her. While she was in a state of shock and confusion, Byvok admitted the entire thing was a setup and finished his proposal. While his girlfriend said yes, this is an example of people bonding who were clearly meant for each other. It probably isn’t wise to try this one with your partner.
Better Reasons To Launch Ships
History is filled with stories of men doing atrocious deeds in order to win a woman’s heart. Among the most famous stories is that of Helen of Troy, who was so beautiful that two guys literally sent thousands upon thousands of other men to their graves in order to claim ownership over her. While these were different times, there are too many stories of men and women assuming the point of love is to possess another’s body, heart, or soul. Thankfully, these stories are popular but far from the norm.
The best tales of human bonding are ones defined by selfless acts. People meet for many reasons, from a shared appreciation of a hobby to a physical attraction. Still, many decide to weather the years together. What most learn is that romantic love requires dedication in a way not many know how to give. Love isn’t about starting a war. To truly connect and sustain love, you must be willing to accept who the person becomes as life goes on. You must love in the moment, not yearn for the past nor expect for the future.
A Torch Is Carried
Though a part of love is being able to move on when it is gone, there are many stories throughout history of deep connections severed by death. One great example of this is the love between Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and her husband Prince Albert. After a passionate and infamous courting period, the couple wed in 1840. While they were blessed with many years and children, Prince Albert died in 1861 while Queen Victoria lived almost 40 more years. It is said she wore black to mourn him for the rest of her days.
From classic literature to celebrity gossip, the stories about how romantic love comes into being can be both impressive and embarrassing. There’s always something to learn from these tales, and there are countless examples to discover whenever you need to crack a smile or roll your eyes.