A heavy spirit can be a huge burden for any one person to shoulder. Still, low points are a part of life. When you find yourself sinking into a place of sadness or fear, it is always best to allow these emotions to wash over you before denying them. Endless studies have shown that a failure to recognize emotional responses when they appear can lead to a number of lasting issues on mental, physical, and spiritual levels. Still, this does not mean you need to sit in emotions for endless stretches of time. Instead, learn to recognize when you need to lighten your mood.
When you can’t shake a bad state of mind, it can prove useful to have a few tactics ready and waiting in your repertoire. Look over these tips to learn how you can lighten your mood and feel a bit less bogged down by the world.
Play Some Upbeat Music
Music is a powerful force. Whether you’ve lived a century or you are a newborn babe, music has a wild control over the human soul. Though researchers are still unsure of how the human race came to develop an appreciation for sound in an aesthetic way, it is impossible to deny how a song can transform a person’s mood. The next time you find your spirits sagging, play some music. Focus on upbeat tunes, even if this is not your usual preferred kind of music. An upbeat tempo is known to have a positive impact on the spirit.
Of course, you might not need something to lighten your mood. Sometimes, anxiety and fear can rule the mind and corrupt the heart and soul. If you are dealing with stress or depression, try to find music that brings you to a place of peace. Unlike upbeat tunes, which can have a general positive impact on even the most stubborn of souls, music that calms anxieties will be more personal in nature. It could be a childhood song your mom sang, a tune by an inspiring artist, or just a new favorite you heard.
Take a Quick Walk or Pace
People are always going on and on about how beneficial exercise is for the body. While it is undeniably true, many forget that exercise can also improve how a person feels. Of course, you need to go about the process in a way that makes sense for you. If you feel depressed and force yourself to go to the gym, you might make the mood worse by feeling like your sadness is on display in front of strangers. A simple solution to this is to channel your mood into a simple physical activity like walking.
According to researchers, humanity evolved over an incredibly long period of time, and throughout most of this period, humans were nomads. This means the biology of people is structured in a way that movement produces results. For example, studies show that some of the best ideas come to a person when he or she is walking or running. You can even learn to lighten your mood and boost your mind’s ability to think about the situation by pacing for a bit around your home. It might seem like a nervous habit, but it exists to help ease the nerves.
Vent Now and Again
Keeping all of your emotions bottled inside is an easy way to end up in an early grave. When a person has never been taught how to express his or her emotions, it can lead to all sorts of complicated health problems. One of the easiest known methods to avoid this is by venting your emotions and thoughts in a safe way such as talking to a friend or writing in a journal.
A low or bad mood doesn’t have to be a long affair. By acknowledging your emotions instead of hiding from them, you can move through the feeling and discover new truths about yourself.