There will come moments in your life that completely blindside you. Whether these are shocking events like the sudden death of a loved one or smaller disappointments like losing a promotion you thought you were getting, certain circumstances can shake your spiritual core. If you’re dealing with a difficult period for one reason or another, there are a number of simple methods you can consider to feel spiritually whole again. Look over these time-tested bits of wisdom and find a process that helps you feel grounded once more.
The Present Is All You Have
It is easy to feel spiritually unwell when you are in a constant state of worry. Whether you beat yourself up for mistakes made in the past or lose sleep from anxiety about the future, living outside of the moment can cause serious distress. Sadly, being mindful of yourself in the moment is easier said than done. A simple trick to try the next time you’re not feeling spiritually whole is to look at physical details in the room around you. Consider how your environment makes each sense feel, which can do wonders for pushing you into the exact moment at hand.
Connection Eases Loneliness
Human beings are social creatures. Whether gathering for events or chatting endlessly on the phone, interacting with other people is a necessary part of the human condition. Often, feeling lonely or separated from people you care about can create a sense of spiritual turmoil. While you might not always be able to visit with friends and family members, modern tech has made it simple to communicate over a variety of mediums. Text, video chat, and send voice notes to the people who matter, and it can relieve feelings of isolation.
Read and Research
Most people know that reading is good for the mind. However, it can also do wonders for the soul. Sitting with a good book, whether it be a new story or one you’ve pored over endlessly, can help you push away problematic thoughts and focus your attention in a precise way. If you’re having trouble with a particular spiritual issue, you can use this as an opportunity to read more about how others have dealt with the same problem. Though you might struggle at first, you’ll find practice makes perfect when it comes to being a dedicated reader.
Try a New Activity to Feel Spiritually Whole
Feeling not spiritually whole can also stem from being stuck in a rut. When you follow the same routine each day, you may find yourself somewhat numb. To change this, break your flow and try something new. Explore a simple hobby you’ve never tried before, like learning an instrument or teaching yourself to sew. You may also want to really shake things up by taking a trip across the world or going skydiving. The exact activity does not matter so much as the decision to introduce yourself to new and engaging stimuli.
Let Go When Possible
The desire to control what you cannot might also be creating your spiritual struggles. Accepting that which you cannot change is a huge component of feeling content. If you find yourself stressing about how other people are acting or fixating on news stories that seem to spell out doom, you must take a step back. Remember that you can only control your actions and how you react to the actions of others. By coming to peace with this reality, you’ll understand how to best let go and move on.
Though it can cause a lot of stress, it is important to remember that most people experience a bit of uncertainty with their spiritual sides now and again. The best way to get through the turmoil is by finding activities and thought patterns that appeal to you and help you break the cycle. Learn to approach your troubles from new angles and ensure you’re feeling spiritually whole.