Geminis fascinate us in modern times. Do a quick search on Gemini, and you’ll find a huge list of celebrities born under the Twins. Astrologers often describe them as elegant and enigmatic, but there’s more to the sign than what they may display to the world. Seen in our skies since antiquity, this zodiac constellation embodies rich symbolism, and a lively spirit full of wonder and mystery.
A Quick History of the Twins
Our ancestors identified the Gemini constellation in the sky centuries ago. The ancient Babylonians called it “The Great Twins” and charted it in the Northern Hemisphere. The Greeks and Romans imagined that this pattern of stars looked like Castor and Pollux, legendary twin brothers who became immortal when Zeus transformed them. Their eponymous stars are part of the constellation, with Pollux located about 34 light-years from our solar system and Castor about 52 light-years away.
In tropical astrology, the Sun is said to travel through Gemini between June 21 and July 20. That places the sign at the beginning of summer, starting with the June 21 solstice. However, this doesn’t account for axial procession. It’s the slow change in our planet’s rotational axis–a “wobble” effect that makes the constellations slowly shift westward from our vantage point on Earth. Zero degrees Aries is the set starting point of the zodiac, and it moves west about one degree every 72 years. In modern times, the Sun doesn’t enter Gemini until mid-July.
Understanding the Gemini Mystique
Astrologer Emma Wilson briefly describes Gemini and its traits on her website, Mystica Astrology. As an air sign, it’s in good company with its compatriots Libra and Aquarius. Air signs are characterized by a focus on the mind, or mental pursuits and energies. AstroStyle also calls them people of “action, ideas, and motion.” Astrologers would say that this description fits Geminis, especially since the sign is ruled by the planet Mercury. Communication, words, ideas, and information fall under its purview, and Wilson associates it with imagination, visualization, and poetry in another article.
The Mercury-governed Gemini exudes a witty charm and a cosmopolitan sensibility. Striving for originality is key, and perhaps that explains what Wilson characterizes as trickster energy. Astrologers also see it as speaking to the sign’s dualistic nature, fascinating people by drawing them in yet holding back enough details to keep them guessing. To deliver cutting-edge ideas and creations, you have to find that edge first–hence the need to maintain suspense until the timing is right.
High-Profile Exemplars of Gemini Traits
You may have noticed many Gemini musicians, writers, and other creatives: Kendrick Lamar, Stevie Nicks, Prince, Kayne West, Alanis Morrisette, and Lauryn Hill, just to name a few. That’s no surprise. After all, Mercury is the planet of communication. Geminis can keep us on the edge of our seats as we wonder what groundbreaking works they’ll unveil next. One need only look at Lamar’s jaw-dropping 2016 Grammy performance for a relevant example: bold visuals, immaculately executed delivery, and plenty of controversial imagery.
While we enjoy and maybe analyze their creations, they also intrigue us in other ways. AstroStyle mentions trendy clothing on Geminis’ lists of favorites. If you remember Prince’s iconic and ever-evolving style, Hill’s eclectic and offbeat look, or West’s style approach mixing high-end designer pieces, casual staples, and eccentric details, you can see that these fit the Gemini ethos.
Moving at the Speed of Thought?
Like its fast-traveling ruling planet Mercury, Gemini doesn’t like to sit still. This can pave the way for innovation or lead to irritation and restlessness. Geminis can appear distracted and overly critical at their worst, yet they’re visionary and charming at their best. With such nimble and magnetic energies, people born under the Twins continue to captivate astrologers and those who know them best.