The world has experienced significant changes due to the spread of COVID-19. While the coronavirus has made it difficult for people to go about normal summer activities like working and socializing, plenty of people around the world have found comfort in the outdoors. Though it is not possible to gather in groups in public places just yet, there is nothing wrong with putting on a mask and venturing out to appreciate the bounty of nature. With the heat soon to arrive in full force, now is an excellent time to show a bit of appreciation for gorgeous weather and serene landscapes.
Pagan beliefs have always placed a strong emphasis on respect for nature and acknowledgment of the passing of one season into the next. If you’re looking for quarantine-safe activities to celebrate the summer, here are some ideas to get you started.
Here Comes the Sun
A majority of pagan traditions can trace their roots back to ancient times when many major decisions about societies were based around the movement of the sun, moon, and stars. The summer solstice, known in modern pagan groups as Litha, is an event typically centered on the sun’s full return from the winter. This means you can easily enjoy the spirit of this holiday by simply going outside and basking in the warm glow of the season.
Naturally, the world has changed a lot since those ancient days. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is a health hazard, so slather on the appropriate SPF before you head outdoors. Select sunscreen with both UV-A and UV-B protection to guarantee your safety.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme
Plants and the bounty of the season are other common themes in many Litha celebrations. To honor the solstice, many pagans will collect seasonal herbs from their gardens or from places where the plants grow wild. The idea is to incorporate the various herbs into meals that will be prepared over the course of the summer. Common herbs that are plentiful during this time of year include parsley, sage, thyme, basil, mint, dill, and rosemary. Whether you use them fresh or leave them out to make your own dried herbs, this is one easy way to fully taste the summertime.
Be Sure To Wear Some Flowers in Your Hair
If you’ve been on social media sites like Instagram or Tumblr in the last few years, you might have noticed a fascination with flower crowns. Influencers, Etsy creators, and amateur photographers all seem obsessed with this classic pagan tradition. The creation of the crown is meant to be a meditative practice as you delicately weave each stem together and find a deeper appreciation for the bursts of blossoms that can be seen everywhere during this time of year. Whether you do it for Instagram or for celebrating the summer, a flower crown is a very easy project to tackle as part of your summer activities.
Blame It on the Summer Nights
The summer can be the perfect season for sloth, as the hot days make for an easy excuse to stay in the shade whenever possible. However, every season acts as a reminder of what is in store. Though you should enjoy the outdoors now as part of your summer activities, remember to plan for the autumn. Knowing the summer will end and the days will become shorter can be important in having a deeper respect for the ephemeral nature of each season. Enjoy it while you can and be ready to let go when the chill of autumn makes itself known.
With self-isolation measures still going strong in some places, it is important for you to find reasons to get outside whenever you can. Celebrating the summer can be as easy as stepping outdoors to absorb some sunlight.