There’s no doubt that solar eclipses scared our ancestors. Were the gods angry? Did pestilence and destruction await? Astronomers throughout history helped us better understand these events. But what if a celestial body disappeared for real – like our Moon – and never returned? While we’d all be freaking out, both astronomers and astrologers would try to offer answers.
Bad News for Nocturnal Species
The Moon is the largest nocturnal source of natural light, so nighttime on Earth would be much darker. Popular Science’s Morgan McFall-Johnsen explains that this would impact travel at night for humans. For animals, it’d be a different story. Nocturnal predators wouldn’t be able to hunt and find food. Their prey, on the other hand, could more easily hide. Animal populations would shift, affecting entire ecosystems.
Missing Tides and Ecosystems
The next most obvious impact would be on our planet’s tides. You probably know that the Moon’s gravitational forces help create tidal effects. These forces strengthen when our moon is at perigee, or the closest distance to our planet. Its gravitational pull also gets a boost from the Sun during full and new moons, when the three bodies are aligned. Apogees weaken our Moon’s gravitational pull because it’s farther away.
The Moon’s gravity isn’t the only force affecting our tides–the Sun supplies some of the gravitational pull. But our Moon’s absence would have a huge impact. Tech Insider estimates that high and low tides would decrease by 75%. Marine animals in tidal zones would start dying off, along with organisms that rely on them for food. A missing Moon would also disrupt many species’ reproduction processes–there would be no cues of when to move to spawning grounds, release eggs, and so forth.
Say Hello to Wacky Weather
With the Moon gone, our weather would also change. Tidal currents keep climates stable because they mingle frigid Arctic waters with warmer ones from tropical regions. Sciencing adds that tidal forces pull on our atmosphere and land. Polar atmospheric temperatures also rise by almost 1 degree Fahrenheit during full moons. Eliminate the Moon and you introduce chaos; namely, major temperature extremes and shifts in precipitation. Since it also affects the Earth’s rotation, we could see our days shrink to a mere twelve hours.
The Earth’s seasons would also change –or disappear completely – if our Moon ceased to exist. Its gravity influences our planet’s axial tilt, which is currently 23.5 degrees. Take away our Moon, and those stabilizing gravitation forces disappear, causing our axis to wobble out of control. Think of it this way. If a one- or two-degree tilt change resulted in ice ages, imagine the effects of a sudden 20-degree shift.
Astrology’s Take on a Missing Moon
A vanishing moon would change life on Earth forever. Scientists would try to figure out how to ensure humanity’s survival. In the meantime, what might astrologers conclude? The Moon represents the emotions and soul, deepest needs, and subconscious desires. Astrologer Emma Wilson adds that it can reveal familial relationships, ancestry, and how we get on (or not) with our parents.
A missing moon wouldn’t affect the natal charts of anyone born before its disappearance. However, there would be huge ramifications for future horoscopes and birth charts of people born after it vanished. Astrologers would certainly wrestle with many questions. Could another body take the Moon’s place? Does its loss signal possible changes in the human psyche? It’s hard to predict these answers, considering astrology’s incredible diversity.
Astrology has accommodated major changes before. After all, Pluto wasn’t discovered until 1930. Losing the Moon is a much bigger deal than Pluto, but humanity has proven itself flexible and resilient. Assuming we survived the chaos, we’d find ways to adapt. As we changed, so would our belief systems – including astrology.