You may know a little about astrology and horoscopes. Maybe you’ve seen your natal chart, know your rising sign, or researched your Moon sign. Synastry is the astrology of love, and it takes some basic concepts and applies them to determine how two people are compatible (or not). Venus and Mars are the “Big Two” in synastry–and they each represent a unique aspect of love, desire, and romance.
Venus: Desire and Attraction
People call Venus the planet of love. And no wonder–Venus was the Roman goddess of love, desire, and beauty. Astrologer Emma Wilson explains that its placement in our charts reveals how we approach romance and attraction. But Venus also speaks to attraction in other areas: aesthetics, personal style, food, education, and even politics.
Astrologers also pay attention to its house placement in a natal chart. Every zodiac sign rules at least one horoscope house, so that sign influences its house’s energies as well. How Venusian energies play out depends on the house or sign it’s in, according to Astrostyle. Ever hear the expression, “I’m a lover, not a fighter”? Someone with Venus in Aries can be both–and that brings equal parts ardent fervor, impatience, enthusiasm, and jealousy. Venus in Virgo, on the other hand, produces a lover with a quieter, more practical approach.
Mars: Drive and Motivation
In Roman mythology, Venus and the war god Mars were lovers. So it’s no surprise that astrologers also look at a person’s Mars placement. While Venus represents attraction, Mars speaks to an individual’s drive and motivation. Wilson adds that its placement represents urges and desires, along with how a person chooses to fight. And surprise, surprise–it also symbolizes sexuality.
Like Venus, Mars’s resident house and sign impact its energies. Another AstroStyle piece breaks down how its motivation, fight, and drive find expression in those houses and signs. Mars in Sagittarius blends an adventurous and free-spirited approach to both life and love, plus a love of taking risks. Mars in Virgo, as you’d expect, looks quite different—this person values intimacy and depth in relationships before passion ignites. But get into an argument, and this person breaks out graphs and charts to prove exactly why you’re wrong.
The Venus-Mars Connection
Venus and Mars placements aren’t the only important parts of synastry. When astrologers examine a couple’s natal charts, they look at Venus-Mars aspects: how one person’s Venus forms aspects with the other person’s Mars. Cafe Astrology explains that these aspects–the angles that planets form with each other–are key:
- Conjunction: two planets in the same sign
- Sextile: two signs apart
- Square: three signs apart
- Trine: four signs apart
- Opposition: six signs apart
Conjunctions, sextiles, and trines are easy aspects, blending the planets’ energies in convivial ways. For instance, a Venus-Mars conjunction suggests a deep connection: attraction, chemistry, and harmony. Hard aspects like squares and oppositions can create difficulty in how planetary energies play out. With a Venus-Mars square, passionate love and intense conflict can coexist within the relationship. AstroStyle explains each of these aspects in greater depth.
A Quick Word About Mercury
Of course, Venus and Mars aren’t the only planets in synastry. Mercury is another big one because it represents communication–and without effective communication, relationships will struggle and may ultimately break apart. Another Cafe Astrology guide breaks down Mercury-Mercury aspects between two natal charts. This approach treats both people’s Mercury placements as if they were different planets. For instance, a Mercury-Mercury conjunction means they’re both in the same sign, and this can indicate similar communication styles.
Love and attraction are important in many people’s lives. With astrology becoming more widespread now, it’s no surprise that synastry is enjoying greater popularity. Comparing your charts can be fun–and may provide further insights about yourselves and your relationship.