With so many species on the planet, it is interesting to think about how dogs became known as “man’s best friend.” Though the histories of canines and Homo sapiens are interwoven to a point predating recorded history, myths and legends involving dogs usually highlight that these furry friends have been loyal companions in the past for the same reasons they’re lovable pets today. Explore these stories from myth and legend involving mythological dogs and learn more about the power of the pup.
The Dog of the Chinese Zodiac
Plenty of people from the West have heard of the Chinese zodiac and the twelve totems, or animals, associated with it. In the eleventh position of the zodiac is the dog. On the surface, this position doesn’t seem like much, but the story behind it is quite amusing and telling of the animal’s nature. Mythology in China tells of the Great Race held by the twelve animals associated with the zodiac. The race involved crossing a river, and the positions of the zodiac were allotted by how the animal placed.
The dog, known to be a good swimmer, came in second to last. The reason for this has nothing to do with prowess, but more with personality. While the others were crossing the river, the dog was splashing and playing. Though it caused the dog to fall lower on the list of signs, it cuts right to the heart of how most people view dogs.
Mythological Dogs of the Underworld
Perhaps the most famous dog in mythology is Cerberus. The three-headed hound was said to guard the gates of the underworld. However, this is far from the only pup associated with the realms of the dead in mythology. According to Hindu tales, Sharvara was one of two mythological dogs responsible for guarding the netherworld. Sharvara was the companion of the god Yama, who was associated with death and considered the progenitor of the human race. The second guard dog is not named, though some stories say this dog was a companion of Yama as well.
The texts and tales referring to Yama and Sharvara predate most other known myths around the world. For this reason, academics have made frequent comparisons between Hindu stories and later stories from around the world. Interestingly, there are many comparisons to be found between Yama and Odin of Norse mythology. Notably, Odin, in a similar role of “father” to the human race as Yama, also had two companion dogs associated with him.
A Dog on the Chest
In Catalonia, there is an old tale passed about for generations about the pesanta. According to these stories, the pesanta is a gigantic mythological dog that stalks the land and sneaks into people’s homes while they sleep. The pesanta does not cause any serious harm but does lay on the chests of those who are in slumber. This makes it difficult to breathe and can cause disrupted sleep. The pesanta is said to have paws of steel that are filled with holes so the dog cannot steal anything while creeping around homes.
The Drunk and Dando’s Dogs
Plenty of English folktales involve stories of the “wild hunt” or going hunting with packs of dogs for big game. One tale involves Dando, a man who drank all the alcohol his hunting group had brought for the journey. Having consumed all the alcohol, Dando remarked that he would go to hell for some more. As can be expected, a mysterious figure appeared and offered Dando what he desired. Upon consuming the drink, Dando was whisked off to hell without a trace. It has been said his hunting dogs still roam the morning mists in search of their missing master.
These are just a handful of the countless stories of mythological dogs throughout history. From big beasts guarding the gates of the underworld to little pups happy to play in the water, the stories of dogs help to show just how the human race has felt about this fantastic species over the years.